Netherlands News

COTECMAR and Damen signed a contract for the design of PES in collaboration
Navy / Maritime

COTECMAR and Damen signed a contract for the design of PES in collaboration

Colombian COTECMAR and Damen Shipyard signed a contract to co-develop the Contractual Design for the Colombian Navy's next generation of frigates.

Netherlands to get PATRIOT MIM-104E Missiles
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Netherlands to get PATRIOT MIM-104E Missiles

The State Department approved an FMS to the Netherlands of PATRIOT MIM-104E Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical (GEM-T) with a cost of $1.219 billion.

Swedish Coast Guard to Buy Damen Boats
Navy / Maritime

Swedish Coast Guard to Buy Damen Boats

Damen Shipyards stated that the Swedish coastguard has signed a contract with the Shipyard to construct and deliver seven Fast Patrol Vessels (FPV).

EDA's MHTC takes shape as Technical Arrangement is Signed
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

EDA's MHTC takes shape as Technical Arrangement is Signed

EDA announced that the Technical Arrangement (TA) defining the organisation, missions, and responsibilities of the MHTC was signed by 14 founding countries.

Six NATO Countries Launch Future Helicopter Concept

Six NATO Countries Launch Future Helicopter Concept

Ministerial meeting on 16 June, the Ministers of six countries, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK, launched a new concept of a next-generation military helicopter, Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC). They agreed to allocate €26.7m ($28.2m) to define their military’s requirements for a new medium multi-role helicopter to replace in these countries in the next 15-20 years. In November 2020, Scramble Magazine reported on five countries signing a Letter of Intent (LoI) to develop a new helicopter capability to replace the existing helicopters in their inventory. Spain and the US, which had expressed interest, ultimately did not join up. The UK is the leading nation for the project.

The Netherlands to Acquire AIM-9x Block II Missiles
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

The Netherlands to Acquire AIM-9x Block II Missiles

The U.S. State Department approved FMS to the Netherlands of AIM-9X Block II Missiles for an estimated cost of $117 million.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force MQ-9 Roll-Out Ceremony
Unmanned Systems

The Royal Netherlands Air Force MQ-9 Roll-Out Ceremony

Netherland organised a Roll-Out Ceremony for the first MQ-9 UAV that Royal Netherlands Air Force will receive.

Russian planes harass Dutch HNLMS Evertsen frigate
Navy / Maritime

Russian planes harass Dutch HNLMS Evertsen frigate

The Dutch frigate Evertsen was harassed for hours by Russian Su-30SM fighter planes in the Black Sea.

Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy
Navy / Maritime Modernisation

Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy

According to Naval News, the Greek Navy received its seventh proposal from Damen Shipyard. Damen offers Greece a SIGMA 11515 frigate.

Dutch Air Force to Patrol on Belgian Air Space

Dutch Air Force to Patrol on Belgian Air Space

Royal Netherlands Air Force takes over Belgium’s Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) duties after the F-16 grounding to perform QRA air-policing to cover up.

“Call of Duty” from ASELSAN
Investment Country

“Call of Duty” from ASELSAN

ASELSAN starts the “Back to Turkey program. It is renamed “Next Big Move to Türkiye” in 2020. The plan targets to reach Turkish talents who work abroad.

NATO Stuff to Ukraine
Land E/W Ammunition Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

NATO Stuff to Ukraine

Ukraine, which is in conflict with Russia, continues to acquire NATO-standard equipment.