Ukraine News

The Reality About An-225 Mriya Revealed

The Reality About An-225 Mriya Revealed

The remains of Antonov An-225 Mriya appeared. The world’s biggest operational airlifter was destroyed on February 24th at Hostomel Airport.

Denmark Delivered 2,700 ATM to Ukraine
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Denmark Delivered 2,700 ATM to Ukraine

Denmark has delivered the M72 EC LAW light anti-tank weapon system to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The weapon is effective at the range of 200 m- 250 m.

Reznikov: We Received new Bayraktars
Unmanned Systems

Reznikov: We Received new Bayraktars

Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov made a public statement from the ministry’s official website. Declaring the situation as “147 hours of defence”, he underlined that Russia and Belarus hit the civilian area.

Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany

The Ukrainian Ambassador in Berlin, Andriy Melnyk, said that his country wants to acquire corvettes and submarines from Germany.

Ukraine Plans to Purchase More Turkish TB2 UAVs Amid Russian Invasion
Air Bilateral Relations Unmanned Systems

Ukraine Plans to Purchase More Turkish TB2 UAVs Amid Russian Invasion

Vadym Prystaiko, Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK, has announced that his country is in contact with Turkey to acquire further Armed UAVs amid the Russian invasion, according to reporting by BBC Turkish.

Ukraine Announced Aircraft Donation Program
Air Bilateral Relations

Ukraine Announced Aircraft Donation Program

Ukraine demanded an aircraft donation program to European Union members in response to Russia's attack. 70 warplanes will be received.

Russian Cyberattack hit Ukrainian banks
Cyber Warfare

Russian Cyberattack hit Ukrainian banks

Microsoft Threat Intelligence Centre named malware “FoxBlade” aims at Ukraine government ministries and financial institutions.

Ukraine and Russia hold peace talks in Belarus
Bilateral Relations

Ukraine and Russia hold peace talks in Belarus

Ukrainian and Russian delegations met on the Belarusian border to negotiate peace conditions.

TB2 Destroyed anti-UAV system Buk
Unmanned Systems

TB2 Destroyed anti-UAV system Buk

The official page of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine demonstrated the Bayraktar TB2 in use.

Ukraine Does not use Neptune Because ...
Weapon / Missile

Ukraine Does not use Neptune Because ...

Russia has started an invasion of Ukraine from air, navy and land forces. There have been many clashes between the air forces and armies in both countries.

Bayraktar TB2 is Seen Destroying the Russian Convoy
Unmanned Systems

Bayraktar TB2 is Seen Destroying the Russian Convoy

Unofficial support accounts for Ukrainian Army publish videos of TB2 UAVs destroying the Russian military convoys.

Ukraine uses Bayraktar TB2 drones against Russia
Bilateral Relations Unmanned Systems

Ukraine uses Bayraktar TB2 drones against Russia

Ukraine announced daily bases the results of the Russian attack. The military body made a video declaration and said;

Ukraine Imposed Martial Law

Ukraine Imposed Martial Law

Ukraine President Zelensky stated in the decree of No. 64/2022 that Martial law had been imposed from 05:30 on February 24, 2022, for a period of 30 days.

Israel Rejects Ukraine’s Iron Dome Request
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Israel Rejects Ukraine’s Iron Dome Request

Israel has refused the transfer of an Iron Dome battery currently operated by the U.S. Army to Ukraine over worries it would damage its relations with Russia.