Weapon / Missile News

Siper Will be Vertically Launched
Air Weapon / Missile Investment Country Regional / Strategy Modernisation

Siper Will be Vertically Launched

President of SSB, Demir, gave details about Turkish air defence systems. Demir said that Siper will be vertically launched, and have ARH + IIR.

Finland to acquire Extended Range Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems
Weapon / Missile

Finland to acquire Extended Range Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems

The U.S. approved a possible FMS to Finland of Extended Range Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems for an estimated cost of $91.2 million.

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Defence Politics Modernisation

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2

State Department approved a possible FMS to Egypt of Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) Block 2 Tactical Missiles for an estimated cost of $197 million.

Iran Test-Fires Short-Range ‘Smart’ Missile
Weapon / Missile Modernisation

Iran Test-Fires Short-Range ‘Smart’ Missile

Iran’s army test-fired a sophisticated short-range missile on Sunday, state media reported.

Ukrainian Navy to Receive further Armed UAV in 2021
Navy / Maritime Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Unmanned Systems

Ukrainian Navy to Receive further Armed UAV in 2021

The Ukrainian Navy Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa has revealed some details about armed UAV and missile systems for the Ukrainian Navy.

Atmaca will be in the inventory in 2021
Land Navy / Maritime Air Weapon / Missile Modernisation

Atmaca will be in the inventory in 2021

Prof. Dr Faruk Yiğit, Chairman of the Board and Murat İkinci, President & CEO of Roketsan, provided information about recent developments at Roketsan.

Roketsan Provides ULAQ’s Teeth
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Modernisation Unmanned Systems

Roketsan Provides ULAQ’s Teeth

CİRİT and L-UMTAS missiles are integrated on an unmanned naval platform.

Iran and N. Korea resumed missile collaboration
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Iran and N. Korea resumed missile collaboration

According to UN Report, Iran and North Korea have started to cooperate on ballistic missile and tactical nuclear weapons.

ULAQ is on Sea Trials
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Communication

ULAQ is on Sea Trials

The result of cooperation between Antalya-based ARES Shipyard and Ankara-based Meteksan Savunma reached another milestone.

EJDER YALÇIN has Automatic Mortar Now
Land Weapon / Missile Modernisation

EJDER YALÇIN has Automatic Mortar Now

Nurol Makina, manufacturer of EJDER YALÇIN 4X4 has unveiled its mortar configuration with ASELSAN’s ALKAR 120 mm Mortar Weapon System.

India to Receive S-400 This Year
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

India to Receive S-400 This Year

India will receive the Russian S-400 Triumf missile air defence system before the end of 2021. Rosoboronexport told TASS during the Aero India 2021 expo.

MPT-76 is Lighter Now
Weapon / Missile Logistics Modernisation

MPT-76 is Lighter Now

A lighter version of MPT-76 rifle is introduced. It is called MPT-76- MH.

Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile fired from Kınalıada Corvette
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile fired from Kınalıada Corvette

Roketsan released a video about the Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile, which was fired from a Kınalıada Corvette. The Atmaca hit and destroyed the target.

FNSS Continues Delivering KAPLAN and PARS to Turkish Armed Forces
Land Ammunition Weapon / Missile Modernisation

FNSS Continues Delivering KAPLAN and PARS to Turkish Armed Forces

President of Defence Industries (SSB) İsmail Demir, stated that the delivery of KAPLAN and PARS vehicles continues.