054A/P News

U.S. to Sell F-16 to Turkiye with a price tag of $23.0 Billion
Air Weapon / Missile E/W Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

U.S. to Sell F-16 to Turkiye with a price tag of $23.0 Billion

The State Department approved a possible FMS to Turkiye of F-16 Acquisition and Modernisation and related equipment for an estimated cost of $23.0 billion.

Northrop Grumman Develops Guided Ammunition

Northrop Grumman Develops Guided Ammunition

The U.S. Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman a contract to develop 57mm guided high explosive ammunition.

The SSN Duguay-Trouin Starts its Sea Trials
Navy / Maritime

The SSN Duguay-Trouin Starts its Sea Trials

Two years after the delivery of the first Barracuda-class nuclear attack submarine Suffren, the sea trials of the Duguay-Trouin started on March 27th, 2023.

Chinese CM-302 Anti-Ship Missile on Pakistani Type 054A/P
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Chinese CM-302 Anti-Ship Missile on Pakistani Type 054A/P

New close-up images of the Pakistan Navy’s (PN) new Type 054A/P frigate, PNS Tughril, indicate that the new warship might be equipped with the CM-302 (ASCM).