ALP-300G Early Warning Radar Delivered to TAF

ALP-300G Early Warning Radar Delivered to TAF

ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol announced that ALP-300G (Formerly TEİRS and ERALP) mobile early warning radar has been delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces.

Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV Completes 50000 Flight Hours
Unmanned Systems

Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV Completes 50000 Flight Hours

Since its first flight in 2019, Baykar’s AKINCI UCAV has reached 50000 flight hours, achieving many milestones in the process.

F-16 Viper Modernisation to be Divided by Two
Air Modernisation

F-16 Viper Modernisation to be Divided by Two

Turkiye’s F-16 Modernisation programme with the U.S. is currently under discussion. Two institutions will share the workload to upgrade jets to Block 70 level.

Peru Signs a $463 million contract with Korean HHI
Navy / Maritime

Peru Signs a $463 million contract with Korean HHI

Peru awards a $463 million contract to Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyards to co-produce four ships with SIMA Peru shipyards for the country's Navy.

ASELSAN’s AESA Radar on Flight Test on F-16 Özgür
Air E/W Sensors

ASELSAN’s AESA Radar on Flight Test on F-16 Özgür

ASELSAN's indigenous AESA Aircraft Nose Radar made its first flight with the F-16 ÖZGÜR platform.

Iran’s New Vessel Creates Suspicion
Navy / Maritime

Iran’s New Vessel Creates Suspicion

Iran shared photos of the new destroyer IRIS Deylaman, which will operate in the Caspian Sea, where Iran maintains solid naval forces.

Turkish AESA Radar is integrated into Akıncı UCAV
Unmanned Systems E/W

Turkish AESA Radar is integrated into Akıncı UCAV

ASELSAN's MURAD AESA Radar is integrated into AKINCI UCAV, it is counting down for first flight aboard.

Meteksan Exhibits Retinar AESA Radar
Expo and Air Show Sensors

Meteksan Exhibits Retinar AESA Radar

Meteksan presents Retinar AESA, the new Retinar Ground Surveillance Radars Product Family member for the first time at IDEF.

B-52s Get AESA Radar Upgrades
Modernisation Sensors

B-52s Get AESA Radar Upgrades

B-52 Stratofortress Strategic Bomber will soon be modernised with a new AESA radar. US Air Force says the programme will cost around $2.8 billion.

TUSAS Unveils Hürjet

TUSAS Unveils Hürjet

Turkiye unveiled the Hürjet jet trainer. The platform is the first domestically-built, indigenous manned-jet aircraft.

Modernising Turkish F-16s with Özgür Project?
Air Modernisation

Modernising Turkish F-16s with Özgür Project?

Turkiye completed the last Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) of 2022. The Directorate of Communications published an information document stating the decisions of the meeting. One line in the statement indicates that there will be further modernisation efforts for Turkish Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon jets.

Demir: The abilities obtained with the Özgür Project will be used in the TF
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Demir: The abilities obtained with the Özgür Project will be used in the TF

Defence Industry Agency President said that the F-16s would be put into the service of the Turkish Air Force within the scope of the Özgür Project.

Northrop Grumman intends to equip the C-130 Hercules with the AN/APG-83 AESA radar

Northrop Grumman intends to equip the C-130 Hercules with the AN/APG-83 AESA radar

Northrop Grumman plans to install Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) AN/APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) radar to C-130 Hercules.

Turkey is Working on Developing its AWACS Technology
Air E/W Sensors

Turkey is Working on Developing its AWACS Technology

According to the online domain "," Turkey intends to invest in future AWACS (Airborne Early Warning and Control) technology.