asfat News

PNS BABUR’s Main Naval Gun is Installed
Navy / Maritime

PNS BABUR’s Main Naval Gun is Installed

Pakistan Navy’s MILGEM Corvette constructed with Turkish ASFAT, PNS BABUR got her Oto Melara 76/62 mm main naval gun installed.

ASFAT Will Produce Mine Clearing Vehicle for Gendarmerie
Land Homeland Security

ASFAT Will Produce Mine Clearing Vehicle for Gendarmerie

“Two Mechanical Mine Clearing Vehicle (MEMATT) Procurement Contract” was signed between the SSB and the MSB company ASFAT.

SSB and ASFAT to Negotiate TF-2000

SSB and ASFAT to Negotiate TF-2000

Turkish Air Defence Destroyer TF-2000 counts down for design activities. It was revealed recently that the SSİK has decided to begin the process in December.

TF-2000 Project on the Run
Navy / Maritime

TF-2000 Project on the Run

Turkish Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) has decided to start the design phase of the TF-2000 air-defence destroyer.

Bangladesh’s OPV Project is on Waiting List
Navy / Maritime

Bangladesh’s OPV Project is on Waiting List

Bangladesh Coast Guard wanted to acquire Ares 150 HERCULES Off-shore Patrol Vessel (OPV) and ARES 95 FAMB (Fast Attack Missile Boat / Assault Boat).

ASELSAN Exhibits its Counter-torpedo solution at PIMEC
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show

ASELSAN Exhibits its Counter-torpedo solution at PIMEC

ASELSAN, which provides combat systems for four platforms ASFAT builds for the Pakistan Navy, exhibits its naval solutions at the PIMEC in Karachi.

ASFAT Plans Arpan Mock-Up for IDEX
Expo and Air Show

ASFAT Plans Arpan Mock-Up for IDEX

ASFAT, is preparing an Arpan truck-mounted howitzer mock-up for IDEX. The company promoted a self-propelled system in the IDEAS exhibition.

Turkish Defence and Aviation in 2022
Land Navy / Maritime Air Ammunition Weapon / Missile Country Interview / Exclusive File

Turkish Defence and Aviation in 2022

SSB announced in January 2022 its 2022 schedule and targets for the year. This article reminds the targets that were accomplished in 2022.

Sensor and Propulsion System Integration to PN MilGem
Navy / Maritime Sensors

Sensor and Propulsion System Integration to PN MilGem

İstanbul Shipyard Command continues to refit activities under PN MilGem Project. ASFAT announced the completion of some systems.

Saudi Delegation Visits Turkish Institutions
Bilateral Relations

Saudi Delegation Visits Turkish Institutions

Talal Bin Abdullah Alotaibi, Deputy Minister of Defence of Saudi Arabia, came to Turkiye upon the invitation of Minister of National Defence Hulusi Akar.

Turkish Navy to get its Submarine Floating Dock
Navy / Maritime

Turkish Navy to get its Submarine Floating Dock

Three months after its launch ASFAT stated that the Submarine Floating Dock would soon enter the inventory.

The Off-shore Patrol Vessel for the Turkish Navy Laid Down
Navy / Maritime

The Off-shore Patrol Vessel for the Turkish Navy Laid Down

Turkish Navy is modernising its surface fleet. The first OPV Akhisar was laid down at İstanbul Shipyard Command. Asfat is the main contractor of the programme.

Pakistan’s Third Babur Class Corvette to be Launched
Navy / Maritime

Pakistan’s Third Babur Class Corvette to be Launched

ASFAT will launch Pakistan’s third Babur Class corvette PNS KHAIBAR (282), on Friday. The launching ceremony will be held at Istanbul Naval Shipyard Command.

HGK-82, with the Highest Local Production, Passes the Tests

HGK-82, with the Highest Local Production, Passes the Tests

TÜBİTAK SAGE's Precision Guidance Kit-82 (HGK-82) certified for the F-4 and F-16 platforms, passed the serial production acceptance tests.