hürkuş News

Two TUSAŞ Products Displayed Airshow in a Row
Air Expo and Air Show

Two TUSAŞ Products Displayed Airshow in a Row

TUSAŞ exhibits its products and mock-ups at the airshow. The TF mock-up is displayed with its weapon payload at the Farnborough International Airshow.

TUSAŞ will exhibit its products at Farnborough International Airshow
Air Expo and Air Show

TUSAŞ will exhibit its products at Farnborough International Airshow

TUSAŞ will be in the UK between 18-22 July 2022 to attend the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA), one of the essential aviation fairs in the world.

Şeref Can: Mass production started in the Özgür Project

Şeref Can: Mass production started in the Özgür Project

Abdurrahman Şeref Can said that the F-16 aircraft, the components whose design was completed, were purchased and fitted to the aircraft.

Niger Receives Bayraktar TB2 Armed UAVs
Air Unmanned Systems

Niger Receives Bayraktar TB2 Armed UAVs

According to information published by the French state-owned Radio France Internationale (RFI) on May 25, 2022, This is the first part of an arms contract signed in November. Six Bayraktar TB2 arrived to Niamey airport. This is the first part of an arms contract signed in November which also provides the purchase of Hürkuş aircraft.

TUSAŞ to conduct Bird Strike Tests
Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

TUSAŞ to conduct Bird Strike Tests

TUSAŞ announced that it would conduct bird strike tests for Hürkuş and indigenous Fighter (TF-X) test results will remain confidential.

Master of Test Pilots evaluated Hürkuş: I want one!

Master of Test Pilots evaluated Hürkuş: I want one!

TUSAŞ basic trainer aircraft Hürkuş will be delivered to the Turkish Air Force soon. TUSAŞ has previously prepared the aircraft for basic training.

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

TUSAŞ CEO Temel Kotil stated that they would deliver six Hürkuş aircraft to the Air Force Command in February.

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Temel Kotil confirmed the Hürkuş sale to Niger. President Erdoğan had mentioned the sale, but TUSAŞ had not provided any information about the sale.

Hürkuş Flew Over Azerbaijan
Air Bilateral Relations

Hürkuş Flew Over Azerbaijan

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) basic trainer aircraft Hürkuş flew in Azerbaijan. Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bağcı announced the flight.

Niger May Acquire Turkish Hürkuş Aircraft

Niger May Acquire Turkish Hürkuş Aircraft

Niger might be the first customer of TUSAŞ even before the Turkish Armed Forces, according to the phone conversation between two presidents.

SAGE’s Togan and Bozok Ready for Serial Production
Ammunition Weapon / Missile

SAGE’s Togan and Bozok Ready for Serial Production

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Defence Industry Research and Development Institute (SAGE) has made the Bozok and Togan ready for serial production.

“HÜRKUŞ HYEU” unveiled at Konya

“HÜRKUŞ HYEU” unveiled at Konya

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) unveiled the new version of HÜRKUŞ at the International Anatolian Anka-2021 exercise.

Kotil: Supersonic UAV will be Air Launched
Air Unmanned Systems

Kotil: Supersonic UAV will be Air Launched

The CEO of Turkish Aerospace, Temel Kotil stated that supersonic UAV is integrated into UAV. His words mean that supersonic UAV will be air-launched.

General Raza visited TUSAŞ Facilities
Air Bilateral Relations

General Raza visited TUSAŞ Facilities

Pakistan Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, General Nadeem Raza and his delegation visited Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) in Ankara.