malaysia News

HÜRJET to Perform First Foreign Flight in Egypt
Air Expo and Air Show

HÜRJET to Perform First Foreign Flight in Egypt

Turkiye's first jet-powered training aircraft, HÜRJET, is preparing to make its first flight abroad in Egypt.

TCG Kınalıada Sets for its Longest Journey to Japan
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

TCG Kınalıada Sets for its Longest Journey to Japan

The newest corvette of the Turkish Navy, TCG Kınalıada F 514, is preparing for its longest journey. The ship will cruise to Japan and return in four months.

Boeing Offers T-7A Trainer Jet to RAAF
Air Expo and Air Show

Boeing Offers T-7A Trainer Jet to RAAF

Boeing offered an announced T-7A trainer to Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) at Avalon 2023 Australian International Airshow.

SSIK Decides to start the serial production of HÜRJET

SSIK Decides to start the serial production of HÜRJET

The SSİK, convened under President Erdoğan, decided to start serial production for HÜRJET Aircraft. The Directorate made a statement on Communications.

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Temel Kotil confirmed the Hürkuş sale to Niger. President Erdoğan had mentioned the sale, but TUSAŞ had not provided any information about the sale.