meteksan News

The second Phase of USV unveiled: ULAQ ASW
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

The second Phase of USV unveiled: ULAQ ASW

Ares Shipyard and Meteksan Defence have announced the next phase of their Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Project, which they unveiled back in October 2020.

Turkey and Brazil to hold Virtual Trade Meeting
Investment Bilateral Relations

Turkey and Brazil to hold Virtual Trade Meeting

The Defence and Aerospace Industry Exporters' Association (SSI) will hold a Virtual Trade Delegation meeting with Brazil on April 19-23, 2021.

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

ARES Shipyard and METEKSAN Defence’s joint project passed a new stage as Remote Control Station performed successfully in field tests.

Meteksan’s CRA will be Integrated into the SOM Missile
Weapon / Missile Sensors

Meteksan’s CRA will be Integrated into the SOM Missile

C-Band Radar Altimeter (CRA), developed by Meteksan Savunma, is integrated into the SOM missile which announced the development on March 16.