mig-29 News

GBU-39 SDB Spotted on Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter

GBU-39 SDB Spotted on Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter

U.S.-made GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs were spotted under the wing of a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet.

Kazakhstan Sells Its Soviet-Era Aircraft to the U.S.

Kazakhstan Sells Its Soviet-Era Aircraft to the U.S.

It has been reported by both Russian and Ukrainian media that Kazakhstan has sold 81 combat aircraft from the USSR period.

Russia Deploys Heavy Thermobaric Bombs Against Ukraine

Russia Deploys Heavy Thermobaric Bombs Against Ukraine

Russia has been reported to have used ODAB-1500 thermobaric bombs against Ukraine.

French Guidance Kit Spotted on Ukrainian Fighter Jet

French Guidance Kit Spotted on Ukrainian Fighter Jet

A French AASM-250 guidance kit has been spotted onboard a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet, as French President Emmanuel Macron announced in January 2024.

Slovakia has Delivered 13 of Its Mig-29 Fighters to Ukraine
Air Bilateral Relations

Slovakia has Delivered 13 of Its Mig-29 Fighters to Ukraine

The Slovak Defence Ministry stated that 13 promised state-owned MiG-29 fighter jets were delivered to Ukraine and reached the territory of Ukraine.

Ukraine Admits Using US-supplied JDAM-ER Bombs

Ukraine Admits Using US-supplied JDAM-ER Bombs

The Ukrainian Air Force has confirmed that it is now starting to use the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM-ER) bomb supplied by the United States.

Russia Fires “AWACS Killer” R-37M Against Ukrainian Fighter Jets
Weapon / Missile

Russia Fires “AWACS Killer” R-37M Against Ukrainian Fighter Jets

Russia has started to use the R-37 long-range air-to-air missile, also known as RVV-BD (Raketa Vozduh-Vozduh Bolyshoy Dalnosty or Long-Range Air-to-Air Missiles), to control Ukrainian airspace. The missile, with NATO code AA-13 Axehead, is also called “AWACS Killer”.

Bulgarian Air Force will wait for F-16s

Bulgarian Air Force will wait for F-16s

Bulgarian Defence Minister Stefan Yanev stated on January 25 that the delivery of eight F-16 jets would be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Azerbaijan's Mig-29 to fly at Anatolian Eagle Exercise

Azerbaijan's Mig-29 to fly at Anatolian Eagle Exercise

Representatives of the Air Force of Azerbaijan to take part in the exercises "Anatolian Eagle - 2021.

Lockheed Promotes F-16 in Ukraine

Lockheed Promotes F-16 in Ukraine

The Arms and Security Defence Expo begins today in Kyiv. The US Company Lockheed Martin has a booth for the first time ever. The company promotes F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft to Ukrainian Air Force (Повітряні Сили України).