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GBU-39 SDB Spotted on Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter

GBU-39 SDB Spotted on Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter

U.S.-made GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs were spotted under the wing of a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet. The image was shared by X user B-AREV. GBU-39s are carried under the quad rack specifically developed for the bomb. Ukraine is receiving other guided bombs, such as the GPS-guided JDAM from the U.S. and GPS + Laser-guided AASM-250 from France. GBU-39 is a 250 lb-class bomb with a wing kit for extended glide range compared to general-purpose bombs. The multi-carriage capability allows the Ukrainian fighters to hit multiple points simultaneously. Ukraine regularly uses its fighter jets to strike Russian command posts. The bomb has a maximum range of over 110 km, depending on the altitude and speed of the dropping aircraft. Ukraine also received the ground-launched version of GBU-39, also known as GLSDB, from the U.S. GLSDB was developed by integrating the GBU-39 on the rocket motor of an M26 227 mm artillery rocket used on HIMARS. The higher maximum speed of GLSDB provides a range of 150 km. However, as reported by Reuters, GLSDB is facing difficulties in hitting the determined points because of GPS jamming. This risk might also apply to the mainstream air-dropped GBU-39s of Ukraine. The bomb’s laser-guided variant, dubbed Laser SDB with a laser seeker, might be an answer, but the need for laser designation to fight off GPS jamming would be the new challenge.