patriot News

US to Send Patriots to Ukraine
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

US to Send Patriots to Ukraine

The U.S. plans to send a Patriot missile defence system to Ukraine as the Pentagon’s plan requires the approval of Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Netherlands to get PATRIOT MIM-104E Missiles
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Netherlands to get PATRIOT MIM-104E Missiles

The State Department approved an FMS to the Netherlands of PATRIOT MIM-104E Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical (GEM-T) with a cost of $1.219 billion.

Taiwan requests support for its Patriot System
Logistics Bilateral Relations

Taiwan requests support for its Patriot System

The State Department has decided to approve a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Taiwan. As China does not want Taiwan to be recognised as a country, the state is formulated as “the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States”. The “Representation” demands Contractor Technical Assistance and related equipment for an estimated cost of $95 million. Today, the Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale.

Germany Considers acquiring Missile Defense Shield from the United States or Israel
Air Weapon / Missile

Germany Considers acquiring Missile Defense Shield from the United States or Israel

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has stated that Germany is considering purchasing anti-missile defence systems in reaction to Russia.

Will Switzerland Pay More for F-35

Will Switzerland Pay More for F-35

Swiss Ministry of Defence has calculated that the cost for the F-35 procurement program increased. According to the figures, the cost will be 20 per cent higher than the CHF 5.068 billion cost claimed in June. The cost of the 36 F-35 has now increased to CHF 6.035 billion.

Greece sent its Patriot System to Protect Saudi Energy Facilities
Bilateral Relations

Greece sent its Patriot System to Protect Saudi Energy Facilities

HAL sent its Patriot system to Saudi Arabia on September 14th. Greek Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos attended the ceremony at the Tanagra Air Base.

The US Leaves the Middle East while Russia fills the Vacuum
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Expo and Air Show

The US Leaves the Middle East while Russia fills the Vacuum

At the International Military-Technical Forum (ARMY 2021), the deputy defence ministers of Russia and Saudi Arabia signed a new agreement on military