radar News

STM’s Debris-Ignoring Radar DAR Serves Turkish Firefighters

STM’s Debris-Ignoring Radar DAR Serves Turkish Firefighters

DAR, developed by Turkish STM for imaging behind walls and debris has entered service with the Turkish firefighters with its new configuration.

Eralp Early Warning Radar System for Turkish Armed Forces
E/W Sensors

Eralp Early Warning Radar System for Turkish Armed Forces

ASELSAN's Eralp Early Warning Radar System is preparing for delivery to the Turkish Armed Forces.

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars
Air E/W Regional / Strategy Sensors

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars

Italian Air Force F-35A fighter jets flew to Estonia to start their service as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission to “Secure the Skies”.

Meteksan’s CRA will be Integrated into the SOM Missile
Weapon / Missile Sensors

Meteksan’s CRA will be Integrated into the SOM Missile

C-Band Radar Altimeter (CRA), developed by Meteksan Savunma, is integrated into the SOM missile which announced the development on March 16.