s-400 News

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos
Investment Country Defence Politics Modernisation

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos

The Defence Industry Executive Committee, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, discussed new military systems for its armed forces.

Warning call from the US
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Warning call from the US

Egypt is expected to receive Russian Su-35 fighters this year. US defence secretary web site announced today a phone call between two countries USA and Egypt.

Siper Will be Vertically Launched
Air Weapon / Missile Investment Country Regional / Strategy Modernisation

Siper Will be Vertically Launched

President of SSB, Demir, gave details about Turkish air defence systems. Demir said that Siper will be vertically launched, and have ARH + IIR.

India to Receive S-400 This Year
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

India to Receive S-400 This Year

India will receive the Russian S-400 Triumf missile air defence system before the end of 2021. Rosoboronexport told TASS during the Aero India 2021 expo.

US: We Did Not Aim at Affecting the Turkish Defence Sector
Air Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

US: We Did Not Aim at Affecting the Turkish Defence Sector

US Ambassador to Turkey David M. Satterfield said that they did not aim at affecting the Turkish defence sector as a whole, but rather specific licences to SSB.

UK: Wait and See on CAATSA
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

UK: Wait and See on CAATSA

The British Ambassador to Turkey, Sir Dominick Chilcott, discussed bilateral relations after Brexit at an online meeting organised by the DMD.