Shapps News

UK Plans Land Attack Capability for Future Frigates
Navy / Maritime

UK Plans Land Attack Capability for Future Frigates

The UK has announced its intention to equip its future frigates, Type 26 and Type 31, with long-range land attack capabilities to combat new threats.

UK to Build Six New Amphibious Warships for Royal Navy
Navy / Maritime Investment

UK to Build Six New Amphibious Warships for Royal Navy

Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom, Grant Shapps, announced they would build six new warships for the Royal Navy.

UK Reveals that Italy Provides Ukraine Storm Shadows
Weapon / Missile

UK Reveals that Italy Provides Ukraine Storm Shadows

British Defence Secretary Grant Shapps confirmed that Italy had provided Ukraine with long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

Royal Navy to Install Laser Weapons on Ships by 2027
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Royal Navy to Install Laser Weapons on Ships by 2027

Secretary of State Grant Shapps has announced that Royal Navy will proceed in 2027 to install laser weapons on warships to deal with aerial threats.

Minister Güler Visits U.K and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Defence Politics Bilateral Relations

Minister Güler Visits U.K and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The defence ministry announced that Turkish Defence Minister Yaşar Güler visited two countries, the United Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

U.K. Discuss Retiring HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark
Navy / Maritime

U.K. Discuss Retiring HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark

British Defence Committee announced its intention to hold an evidence session about retiring the assault ships HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark.

UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations
Bilateral Relations

UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations

Turkish and UK Defence Ministers signed a letter of intent for a closer defence relationship between the two nations.