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UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations

UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations

A press release was published following the meeting. The press release reads that both sides agreed on the need to maintain support for Ukraine. Two NATO Allies, the UK and Türkiye, have decided to work more closely together to help bring greater stability, security and prosperity to both nations.

United Kingdom Defence Secretary Grant Shapps signed a Statement of Intent on defence cooperation with his Turkish counterpart, Minister of Defence Yaşar Güler. This will provide the framework for closer working to deliver additional activities that will benefit the security and prosperity of both countries and, in so doing, enhance national, regional and international security.

Following the signing, activity will see closer collaboration between both countries’ defence industries, identifying possible joint training exercises in the Mediterranean and exploring security support around North Africa and the Middle East.

As well as discussing the need for de-escalation in the Middle East, the Defence Secretary thanked his counterpart for utilising Türkiye’s influence as the gatekeeper to the Black Sea to enable the export of millions of tons of Ukrainian grain to nations who need it most.

There was strong agreement on the need to keep focused on our collective support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s continuing aggression.

Shapps Güler turdef.JPG

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said:

“I was very pleased to meet my counterpart, Minister Güler, and to jointly agree to deepen the UK-Turkish defence relationship. Türkiye stands at the crossroads of three continents and, at a time of such global instability, their influence cannot be underestimated. The agreement we’ve signed will see our relationship go from strength to strength and

enhance our nation’s defence and security cooperation.”

In his first face-to-face meeting with his Turkish opposite number, the Defence Secretary welcomed the progress made on Sweden’s accession to NATO and hoped to see Turkish ratification through parliament as soon as possible.

The signing of the agreement and the bilateral meeting came following increased cooperation between the UK and Türkiye on defence matters over the preceding years.


Following the meeting, Defence Minister Shapps said, “And we all know and understand that the world is perhaps a lot less stable now than it has been for a number of years, particularly with the conflicts in both Europe and the Middle East.”

Minister Shapps thanked the Turkish government for the work done with the grain initiative. He said he was sorry that the Black Sea grain initiatives broke down. “But we know that you’re now helping in other ways, and we’ve been able to discuss this morning how your initiative on de-mining and cooperation through a maritime coalition can help to feed the world and also help Ukraine in this battle”, British Minister added.


Shapps continued, “This morning, we’ve discussed many things, some of them aren’t easy, including, for example, the 75th NATO. The Alliance coming up to the 75th anniversary and expanding because of Putin’s war, and we appreciate what you’re doing, with regard to Swedish membership, we know it’s not always easy, but we know that the greater good will be served by an expanded NATO.” He underlined that two sides also discussed “areas of cooperation in particular on things like TF-X (TurDef’s note KAAN) capability, and on fighting Typhoon, and the way in which our relationships become a two-way imitative, it’s very important to the United Kingdom, that corporation runs in both directions.”

Minister Shapps underlined that two sides are working with the other directly on piracy off the Somalian coast. “Your work in Somalia, and I mentioned that I visited my issue, to see us doing similar kinds of training two nations to understand about doing the right thing, particularly in that fight against terrorism. I think that is incredibly important, as well,” the Minister concluded.


The minister and his delegation visited the Defence Industry Agency (SSB).