Syria News

The War in Israel Spreads to Lebanon
Bilateral Relations

The War in Israel Spreads to Lebanon

Hezbollah launched a missile attack on Israel from Southern Lebanon, and Israel responded without considering civilian targets, according to witnesses.

Iran to Retaliate Israel of Syria Strike
Bilateral Relations

Iran to Retaliate Israel of Syria Strike

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus and killed Iranian senior commanders. Iran vows to retaliate against Israel.

Does Russia transfer its forces to Ukraine?

Does Russia transfer its forces to Ukraine?

According to Israel based Debka File, Russia abandons its bases in Syria and transfers its forces to Ukraine.

681,560 Refugee Returned to Syria, 3,684,412 Refugees Stay
Defence Politics

681,560 Refugee Returned to Syria, 3,684,412 Refugees Stay

Russian Defence Ministry, Centre for Reconciliation of Warring Parties and Refugee Control Centre for Syria published a newsletter today.