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681,560 Refugee Returned to Syria, 3,684,412 Refugees Stay

681,560 Refugee Returned to Syria, 3,684,412 Refugees Stay

Russian Defence Ministry, Centre for Reconciliation of Warring Parties and Refugee Control Centre for Syria published a newsletter today. According to the publication, 681,560 refugees returned to Syria while 6,770,847 live in exile.

According to the publication, as of June 30, 2021, there are 6,770,847 Syrian refugees in 43 states (Turkey - 3,684,412, Lebanon - 855,172, Jordan - 668,332, Germany - 595,124, Iraq - 247,305, Egypt - 132,748, Netherlands - 63 670, Austria - 58 050, Denmark - 35 536, Greece - 58 273, Switzerland - 22 100, (Greek) Cyprus - 2 602, Belgium - 25 311, Italy - 3 832, Romania - 1 156, Spain - 3 098, Ireland - 450, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 350, Argentina - 392, Malta - 1,115, Poland - 251, Luxembourg - 553, Croatia - 250, Slovenia - 226, Iceland - 50, Bulgaria - 471, Hungary - 27, Slovakia - 12, Czech Republic - 1,320, UK - 17,525, Sweden - 137,152, Canada - 50,117, USA - 21,772, France - 36,050, Norway - 36,113, Brazil - 5,074, Finland - 2,631, Portugal - 753, Lithuania - 544, Albania - 250, Peru - 29, Uruguay - 28, Serbia - 621).

681,560 Refugee Returned to Syria, 3,684,412 Refugees live in Turkey

Estimated, expressed a desire to return home 1,297,168 Syrians from fifteen countries of the world (Lebanon - 645,128, Turkey - 70,041, Germany - 60,115, Austria - 103, Switzerland - 17, Jordan - 458,021, Iraq - 847, Greece - 30 372, Denmark - 150, the Netherlands - 29 244, Lithuania - 30, Malta - 541, Canada - 2,517, Argentina - 18, Uruguay - 24).

In total, 910,840 people returned to Syria from the territories of foreign states since September 30, 2015. (women - 273,328, children - 464,233).