vuran News

ASFAT Exports Vuran APC to Georgia

ASFAT Exports Vuran APC to Georgia

ASFAT, as the main contractor, has exported 46 BMC VURAN 4x4 vehicles to the Georgian Ministry of Defence.

Details of Export to Kosovo Emerged
Bilateral Relations Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Details of Export to Kosovo Emerged

The Defender Europe ’23 exercise organized under the leadership of the USA revealed Turkish products exported to Kosovo.

A New Communication Era in Armoured Vehicles

A New Communication Era in Armoured Vehicles

CTech company developed an uninterrupted communication system for land vehicles, and President Demir announced that the product passed the acceptance tests.

New Mortar Vehicles for Turkish Gendarmerie
Land Weapon / Missile

New Mortar Vehicles for Turkish Gendarmerie

BMC’s VURAN armoured vehicles, integrated with ASELSAN’s ALKAR 120mm Automatic Mortar Weapon System, were added to the Gendarmerie General Command inventory.

BMC Handovers Tuna Engine
Engine and Transmission

BMC Handovers Tuna Engine

BMC Power, an engine and power system subsidiary of the Turkish land vehicles manufacturer, handover the first domestic wheeled vehicle engines. The name of the new propulsion system was also published during the ceremony.

BMC Delivers the First Domestic Engine for Vuran
Engine and Transmission

BMC Delivers the First Domestic Engine for Vuran

BMC is going to deliver the first domestically built diesel engines. Systems will empower Vuran wheeled tactical armoured vehicles of the company.

Indigenous Engine for BMC Vuran
Engine and Transmission

Indigenous Engine for BMC Vuran

Turkiye continues to indigenous engine studies. Turkish land vehicle manufacturer BMC’s Vuran 4X4 armoured vehicle will be equipped with a new, domestic engine in this line.

Kosova to Acquire BMC’s Vuran

Kosova to Acquire BMC’s Vuran

Former Foreign Minister of Kosova Petrit Selimi stated that Kosova will acquire 14 BMC Vuran 4X4 vehicles.

Turkey Leads NATO VJFT with BMC Vuran

Turkey Leads NATO VJFT with BMC Vuran

Turkey is leading NATO's quick reaction forces. The forces arrived in Romania to participate in Exercise Steadfast Defender 2021.

BMC's Vuran with 107 mm MBRL
Land Weapon / Missile

BMC's Vuran with 107 mm MBRL

SSB presented the Vuran 4X4 with MBRL.

BMC Delivered VURAN APCs to Armed Forces

BMC Delivered VURAN APCs to Armed Forces

SSB announced that İzmir based BMC delivered VURAN Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicles (TTZA) to security forces.

Altay Unveiled at Facility Visit

Altay Unveiled at Facility Visit

Defence Minister Akar attended the Second Generation Fırtına Howitzer handover ceremony where Modernised Leopard 2A4 and Altay MBT were demonstrated.