Four German MiRPz Keiler to Ukraine

Four German MiRPz Keiler to Ukraine

The German Ministry of Defence stated on January 13, 2023, that the country had sent four units of Mine Clearance Vehicle (Minenräumpanzer /MiRPz) to Ukraine. The Keiler MiRPz is an armoured vehicle designed to clear anti-tank and antipersonnel mines in various environments on the battlefield.

MiRPz was developed by German company MaK GmbH and Thyssen Henschel Wehrtechnik, which is now part of Rheinmetall Defence.This vehicle is based on the M48 Patton A2C MBT ( Main Battle Tank ). A total of 24 MiRPz Keiler units were delivered to the German military between 1996 and 1998. The original turret of the M48 Patton A2C MBT has been removed and replaced with mine clearance equipment and systems. Includes mine plough, mine roller, and mine flailMine ploughs are used to dig and clear mines, while mine rollers are used to detonate mines by pressing on them. Mine flails are used to destroy mines by hitting them with chains.Keiler's are also equipped with a remote-controlled arm, which can detonate mines from a safe distance.In addition, the vehicle is equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems, which enable it to detect and identify mines and other explosive devices.