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468 billion TL Budget for the Defence Industry Support Fund

468 billion TL Budget for the Defence Industry Support Fund

Vice President Oktay stated in a press conference at the Presidential Complex that the resources allocated from the central government budget for defence and security would be 468.7 billion TL in 2023.

Oktay reminded that the defence budget in 2021 decreased due to Covid-19, and a budget of 181 billion liras was allocated in 2022. Oktay said, “In the 2023 Central Government Budget Bill, this amount will be 468.7 billion liras. This budget has been the highest defence industry budget in the history of the Republic.”

468 billion TL Budget for the Defence Industry Support Fund

In the 2022 Central Government Budget proposal; 3.483 billion liras were allocated for the National Intelligence Organisation, 56.996 billion liras for the General Directorate of Security, 35.996 billion liras for the Gendarmerie General Command, approximately 1.918 billion liras for the Coast Guard Command, 153.974 million liras for the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) and 80,536 billion liras for the Ministry of National Defence.