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U.S. Defence Programmes Face Delays in Deliveries

U.S. Defence Programmes Face Delays in Deliveries

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report on the 17th of June indicating that the defence programmes of DoD are facing multi-year delays. The most significant example was delays in Major Defence Acquisition Programmes, with the average time to deliver an initial operating capability increasing from eight to 11 years compared to 2023. By extension, the delays have caused slowed down innovation, reduced adaptability, and inefficient resource allocation. GAO listed the causes as delays in tests, production issues, shortage of staff, and supply chain disruptions.

 One of the victims can be given an LGM-35 Sentinel ICBM that will replace the ageing Minuteman IIIs. The programme faces a cost deviation of $30 billion and a two-year delay, as the U.S.-based Air and Space Force Magazine reported. While programme delays would still be an issue in the previous decade, even months can be considered significant in a decade where norms and threats are rapidly changing and evolving in warfare. This is also a wake-up call for defence industries worldwide to focus on ensuring a reliable flow of supplies and workforce; as well as a more adaptive approach to R&D.