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Defence and Aerospace Exports Exceeded 1 billion Dollars

Defence and Aerospace Exports Exceeded 1 billion Dollars

The Turkish defence and aerospace industry, which made exports of 281.4 million dollars in January and followed it with 303.4 million dollars in February 2023, reached a volume close to the sum of two months in March. These figures show exports exceeded 1 billion dollars in the year's first quarter. 

The sector's exports in March 2023 increased by 54.9 per cent compared to the same month of the previous year and became 506 million 284 thousand dollars. With this figure, the Turkish defence and aerospace industry achieved a total of 1 billion 90 million USD of exports between January 1 and March 31, 2023.


The Turkish defence and aerospace industry sector, which realised exports worth 4.3 billion dollars in 2022, must export 5 billion dollars in the next nine months and maintain the trade volume it achieved in March to reach the 6 billion dollars export target set for 2023.

The exports of 1 billion 90 million dollars realised by the sector in the first three months of 2023 increased by 15.1 per cent compared to the first three months of 2022, when the export record of all years was broken. The monthly export record of the sector is known as 647.4 million dollars in export realised in December 2022.