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Defence Industry First Quarter Exports 1.5 Billion USD

Defence Industry First Quarter Exports 1.5 Billion USD

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) announced the export figures for April. The Turkish defence and aerospace industry sector, which exported 506.2 million dollars in March, realised 418.1 million USD worth of exports in April 2023. Thus, the sector's total exports in the first four months of 2023 exceeded 1.5 billion dollars.

The Turkish defence and aerospace sector, which realised exports worth 4.3 billion last year, targets six billion dollars in 2023. For the industry to reach its export target for 2023, it needs to realise an average of 560 million dollars of monthly exports for the next eight months.
The export of 1.5 billion dollars realised by the Turkish defence and aerospace sector between January 1 and April 30, 2023, corresponds to an increase of 12.7 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year. It is predicted that the monthly figures in the second half will be quite decisive for the sector's exports.