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Defence Industry November Export Volume $ 484.9 Million

Defence Industry November Export Volume $ 484.9 Million

Turkiye Exporters Assembly (TIM) announced the Turkish Defence industry's November export volume. The sector achieved exports of $ 484.9 Million in November 2023.
The sector reached $ 4.4 billion in exports in 2022 and has already made $ 4.8 billion in November this year. Thus, the Turkish defence and aerospace industry broke an export record even before the year ended. The sector increased its exports by 30.1 per cent in the 11 months of this year compared to the same period last year. Turkiye's export volume target for 2024 is $ 6 billion.
With this development, the defence and aerospace industry exports in 2023 can be expected to be around $ 5.5 billion. On the other hand, it seems that Baykar's $3 billion exports to Saudi Arabia in July are not included in these figures. TIM stopped sharing detailed information about the defence product-importing countries about a year ago.