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Intense Interest in IDEAS 2022 from Turkish Companies

Intense Interest in IDEAS 2022 from Turkish Companies

The interest of Turkish companies is at a high level in IDEAS 2022. 28 Turkiye-based defence firm exhibiting their solutions to the visitors at Türkiye Pavilion. ASELSAN, Havelsan, Roketsan, TUSAŞ STM, SDT, Meteksan, Samsun Yurt Savunma, TEI and ASFAT are among the firms showcasing products to exhibitors.

Intense Interest in IDEAS 2022 from Turkish Companies

It is widely claimed that Pakistan has selected STM 500 low-displacement submarines for the Shallow Water Attack Submarine (SWAS) Programme. Pakistan Air Force inked an agreement with SDT for ACMI pods, which will be planned to be used on JF-17 fighter aircraft for training purposes of Pakistani Pilots.

Intense Interest in IDEAS 2022 from Turkish Companies