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National System for Biometric Recognition

National System for Biometric Recognition

New indigenous technology revealed today. Biyoteksan developed an indigenous algorithm to identify biometric data. The company is a joint venture of HAVELSAN and POLSAN. The company’s first solution in the field of National Biometric Identification Systems is Fingerprint Recognition System.

The system stores fingerprints with national algorithms. Further studies will be carried out on other biometric recognition technologies such as palm and finger vein prints, face, iris, retina, and voice.

The company’s fingerprint recognition system consists of two main products: Qualified (Clean) Fingerprint Recognition and Unqualified (Crime Scene) Fingerprint Recognition. Clean technology is primarily used in identification (identity, passport, driver’s license) solutions, while the latter is for criminal purposes.

National System for Biometric Recognition

Qualified Fingerprint Recognition Product

Qualified Fingerprint Recognition product will first be available for Population and Citizenship Affairs and Directorate General of Migration Management by receiving and storing the biometric registration such as ID, Passport, Immigration ID. The system is in use at the directory of migration management.