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SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects

SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects
This is the list that SSB presented during the press meeting.SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence ProjectsAerospace• Development and production of the Turkish Indigenous Aircraft (TF-X) parts will continue.• Indigenous helicopter GÖKBEY will be delivered to the Gendarmerie General Command for the first time.• The Advanced Jet Trainer and Light Attack Aircraft HÜRJET will have the roll-out, and ground tests will begin.SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• Basic Trainer HÜRKUŞ will be delivered for the first time.• Mini UAV-D systems and Mini UAV BOYGAs that Drop Ammunition will be used for the first time.• Bayraktar TB3 Armed UAV, which can land and take off on ships with short runways, will make its first flight.• A400M fleet of ten aircraft will be completed by delivering the last A400M aircraft.• The Meltem-3 Project will be completed by delivering two P-72 Maritime Patrol Aircraft.• Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft Project will be launched for the General Directorate of Security (EGM).• The KILIÇSAT Cube Satellite will be launched into space, providing the national and local production LNA module with history in space and obtaining the ship’s location and route information.Air Defence, Weapons, Missiles and Ammunition• Within the scope of the Air-Air Missile (Göktuğ) Project, Indigenous BOZDOĞAN Short-Range Missiles and GÖKDOĞAN Beyond-Visual-Range Missiles will be delivered.• Gökdeniz Close-In Weapon System will be integrated into the ISTANBUL Frigate for the first time.• First deliveries of SUNGUR Short Range Air Defence Missiles will be made.SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile and KARAOK Missile will enter the inventory.• First deliveries of the Pedestal Mounted Cirit (KMC) Project will start.• Stabilized Machine Gun Platforms for Gabya class frigates will be delivered for the first time.Land Vehicles ProjectsSSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• PARS 6x6 Mine Protected Armoured Vehicles will be delivered for the first time.• Armoured Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV /ZAHA) will be delivered for the first time.• The first modernised Armoured Combat Vehicle-ZMA, with an integrated unmanned gun turret, will be delivered.• The fire control systems in M60T tanks will be reintroduced with the local and national Volkan-M system.• Development and delivery of new unmanned land vehicles in various classes of various types and features.Naval Projects• MILGEM 6-7-8. National ship contracts will be signed.• The process for constructing the prototype ship will begin within the Turkish Type Fast Attack Craft Project(TTHB).SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• Bayraktar TB3 Armed UAV will be integrated into the Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship ANADOLU will begin.• Second Submarine at New Type Submarine Project will be pulled into the dockyard.• New unmanned naval vehicle projects will be started.Electronic Systems• The Test Infrastructure for Helicopter turboshaft engines will be completed and be in service.• Development of Stand-Off Electronic Warfare Systems to be Used in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-İHASOJ Project will be started.• National Electronic Warfare Suite Development-FEWS Project will be started.• Early Warning Radar System ERALP, Low Altitude Radar System ALP and Airport Traffic Radars will be delivered for the first time.• MERT and MERTER Portable Electronic Attack Systems will be used for the first time.• ASELFLIR-600 Project contract, the advanced version of CATS payloads integrated into UAVs, will be signed.• The first x-ray vehicle and container scanning system, MİLTAR (National Scanning System), will be installed at the facility of the Ministry of Commerce in İzmir Alsancak Port.• The installation of the Gendarmerie Smart Control Point and the Gendarmerie Smart Patrol Application will begin.• Pilot night vision goggles developed for the Land Forces Command will be delivered for the first time.• Within the scope of the Active-HETS Project, the laser-based helicopter obstacle detection system capable of active scanning will be delivered.SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• Within the scope of the GAMUS Project, the communication systems of the EGM and the General Staff will be integrated with GAMER centres and each other.R&D / Industrialization / Support Activities• The AVCI-2 Helmet System, which includes a national display module, will be used in ATAK helicopters.• YONCA Multi-Core Microprocessor Development R&D Project will be launched.SSB Presented Its 2022 Defence Projects• R&D Project for Quantum Radar Technologies will be started.• More than 200 companies will be supported under the Industrial Competency Evaluation and Support Program (EYDEP).• “National Participation” will be held in eight international defence industry fairs.• Support to youth and new entrepreneurs will continue with TEKNOFEST, ROBOİK and Cyber Security Competitions.According to this list, no major development is expected in the Siper Long Range air defence missile system in 2022. Heavyweight Torpedo AKYA deliveries will remain ambiguous. It is known that AKYA’s Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) programme started in December 2021 and Roketsan shared a poster in January 2022, implying that it is in the inventory. It was also known that Atmaca anti-ship missile entered the inventory, but according to the video, it is not entered yet. The tenth A400M aircraft that Turkey will receive from Airbus will be delivered with a seven-year delay.It was announced that the tender process for the TF-2000 destroyer would start in 2022. This destroyer is not on the list. There is no lead about the 1500, 1000 and 600 hp engines developed currently. The 1500 HP engine is especially important as it will be used at Altay Main Battle Tank.