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TIM Reported 3 billion Export Volume is Near

TIM Reported 3 billion Export Volume is Near

According to the data of TIM, the sector's exports of 2 billion 35 million 956 thousand dollars in 2018 increased by 34.6 per cent in 2019 and reached 2 billion 740 million 988 thousand dollars.

With the effect of the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, the exports of the sector decreased by 16.8% in 2020 and amounted to 2 billion 279 million 27 thousand dollars.

The defence and aerospace industry reached a new export record before the end of 2021. While the sector realized an export of 1 billion 999 million 306 thousand dollars in the 11 months of last year, it reached an export figure of 2 billion 793 million 974 thousand dollars with an increase of 39.7 per cent in the same period of this year. This figure was recorded as a new record for the defence and aerospace industry.

The sector is set to break a new record by ending 2021 with more than 3 billion dollars in exports, up from a few thousand dollars in prior years. Following the lead of the United States, Azerbaijan bolstered its army using items from the Turkish defence sector, particularly during the Karabakh War. This year, Azerbaijan received 192 million 126 thousand dollars in exports. Qatar came in third place, having purchased The United States gained top position in the sector's 11-month export with 1 billion 32 million 615 armoured vehicles, naval platforms, and weapon systems from Turkey for its armed services. The economic equivalent of Qatar's exports was 180 million 544 thousand dollars.

Turkish bilateral ties have an impact on exports as well. There are exports to nations that have recently increased or begun. Afghanistan has lately suffered a 200 per cent spike. Following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s tour to Africa, exports have increased noticeably. Angola, Burkina Faso, and the Ivory Coast (also known as the Côte d'Ivoire). The results show significant shipments to Morocco and Qatar.