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Tüfekçi Responsible from ASFAT and MKE

Tüfekçi Responsible from ASFAT and MKE

Celal Sami Tüfekçi started to work as the Head of Space at the former Undersecretariat of Defence Industries SSM (Defence Industry Agency/SSB) in 2016. He was later appointed as the Deputy Undersecretary at SSM. Once the SSM was converted to SSB, he was titled the vice president at SSB. Tüfekçi was responsible for the Engine and Power Systems Department, Quality Control Test and Certification, Operation Support, and Land Platforms.
With President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's decree, Tüfekçi was appointed deputy defence minister in June. 

MSB Tufekci TurDef.jpg

According to an announcement on the ministry website, Tüfekçi will be responsible for five institutions and factories; the General Directorate of Military Factories, the Directorate General of Naval Shipyards, the General Directorate of Technical Services, MKE Inc and ASFAT Inc.
Tüfekçi’s appointment to the industrial site of the defence ministry is not a surprise. Not only he knows the dynamics of the defence industry due to his former position at SSB he also has a close acquaintance with the President of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB), Professor Haluk Görgün. Görgün – Tüfekçi communication will ease the cooperation between SSB and MSB.