Russia News

Egypt’s Su-35 CAATSA Triangle
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Egypt’s Su-35 CAATSA Triangle

According to Al-Monitor, Russia officially announced that Egypt had received five Sukhoi Su-35 advanced combat aircraft.

New Player on Nuclear Energy: Meteksan Savunma
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Investment Bilateral Relations

New Player on Nuclear Energy: Meteksan Savunma

Meteksan Savunma won an Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant tender and achieved a chance to transfer its capabilities in the defence industry to the civil area.

Unmanned AN-2s: Azerbaijan’s Unknown Heroes
Air Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Sensors

Unmanned AN-2s: Azerbaijan’s Unknown Heroes

Middle East Eye (MEE) unrevealed information about the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict. According to Ragıp Soylu’s report, the Azerbaijani military used Soviet-era Antonov An-2 single-engine aircraft as a decoy to destroy Russian S-300s with Israeli “Harop” suicide drones.

New Home for BrahMos: The Philippines
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Modernisation

New Home for BrahMos: The Philippines

India has reached an understanding with the Philippines for exporting military equipment to the Philippines.

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos
Investment Country Defence Politics Modernisation

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos

The Defence Industry Executive Committee, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, discussed new military systems for its armed forces.

Warning call from the US
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Warning call from the US

Egypt is expected to receive Russian Su-35 fighters this year. US defence secretary web site announced today a phone call between two countries USA and Egypt.

Iran and N. Korea resumed missile collaboration
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Iran and N. Korea resumed missile collaboration

According to UN Report, Iran and North Korea have started to cooperate on ballistic missile and tactical nuclear weapons.

India to Receive S-400 This Year
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

India to Receive S-400 This Year

India will receive the Russian S-400 Triumf missile air defence system before the end of 2021. Rosoboronexport told TASS during the Aero India 2021 expo.

US: We Did Not Aim at Affecting the Turkish Defence Sector
Air Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

US: We Did Not Aim at Affecting the Turkish Defence Sector

US Ambassador to Turkey David M. Satterfield said that they did not aim at affecting the Turkish defence sector as a whole, but rather specific licences to SSB.

Two US Destroyers in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Two US Destroyers in the Black Sea

US Navy sent two destroyers and a replenishment oiler to the Black Sea just days after President Biden confronted Vladimir Putin about Russian policy. For the first time in three years, the US has sent three ships into the Black Sea.

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet
Navy / Maritime Country Regional / Strategy

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet

Chief of the Russian Navy General Staff Alexander Vitko said that two more Project 22160 ships will be built for the Black Sea Fleet.

UK: Wait and See on CAATSA
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

UK: Wait and See on CAATSA

The British Ambassador to Turkey, Sir Dominick Chilcott, discussed bilateral relations after Brexit at an online meeting organised by the DMD.