Russia News

Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles

Russian frigates of project 22350 of the "Admiral Gorshkov" type received an anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) "Poliment-Redut" installed on Admiral Gorshkov.

Russia to Merge Sukhoi and MiG
Air Country

Russia to Merge Sukhoi and MiG

Russia plans to merge two aerospace companies to produce fighter planes. The merger is between Sukhoi and MiG under United Aircraft Corporation (UAC).

The Russian Army will Begin Testing the World’s Longest-Range Howitzer

The Russian Army will Begin Testing the World’s Longest-Range Howitzer

Izvestia says the Russian army will begin testing its self-propelled “Koalitsiya-SV” howitzer next year. The outlet added that the trials of the 152 mm howitzer, claimed to have the world’s longest firing range, will be wrapped up by September next year.

Russia Increases Its Naval Existence in ASIAN Region
Navy / Maritime Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Russia Increases Its Naval Existence in ASIAN Region

The naval exercise of ASEAN countries with the Russian Navy for the first time was held off the coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia, on 1-3 December 2021. The ARNEX-2021 naval exercise took place in the territorial waters of Indonesia near the island of Ve. The exercise involved ships of eight states: Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei and Myanmar, and three countries sent observers of the 11 participating countries.

Russian Anti-Drone Defence Simulators Get into Inventory
Air Unmanned Systems

Russian Anti-Drone Defence Simulators Get into Inventory

Technodinamika, holding under Rostec state enterprise, prepares the batch of unmanned target helicopters to enter service in early 2022.

Russia Develops Air-launched ATGM Khrizantema
Weapon / Missile

Russia Develops Air-launched ATGM Khrizantema

Russia modernises the 9M123M Khrizantema (NATO reporting name AT-15 Springer ) anti-tank missiles for the newest combat helicopters, namely the Mil Mi-28NM and Kamov Ka-52M, according to state-owned news agency TASS.

Russia's New Version Tu-160M Strategic Bomber Waits for Maiden Flight

Russia's New Version Tu-160M Strategic Bomber Waits for Maiden Flight

Cold War Era legend "White Swan" Soviet Tu-160M supersonic strategic bomber has been reborn from the ashes after two decades.

Tsirkon Destroys Target Over 400 Km Away
Weapon / Missile

Tsirkon Destroys Target Over 400 Km Away

The Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov successfully test-launched the Tsirkon hypersonic missile from the White Sea and hit a sea target at more than 400 km.

Fast and Deep: Russia Begins Serial Production of Tsirkon for Submarines
Weapon / Missile

Fast and Deep: Russia Begins Serial Production of Tsirkon for Submarines

Russia begins serial production of a submarine-launched version of a hypersonic Tsirkon missile.

Mig-31 With Kinzhal Gets Digital

Mig-31 With Kinzhal Gets Digital

Russia has tested a fly-by-wire flight control system on the MiG-31, which carries a Kinzhal airborne hypersonic missile.

Serbia to Receive Kornet ATGM From Russia
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Serbia to Receive Kornet ATGM From Russia

In a Sochi meeting with Putin, Serbian President Vucic announced the Kornet anti-tank missile system acquisition later this year.

Russian Army Gets 20 T-14 Armata before 2021 Ends

Russian Army Gets 20 T-14 Armata before 2021 Ends

The Russian Armed Forces will receive 20 T-14 Armata tanks by the end of 2021, according to Major Dmitry Repin,.

Russia’s Giant Mi-26 Begins Serial Production in 2022
Air Modernisation

Russia’s Giant Mi-26 Begins Serial Production in 2022

According to the Russian State own TASS news agency, Russian world largest and most powerful helicopter with maximum take-off weight capacity, Mİ-26 (NATO reporting name: Halo), is near starting serial production.

Russia and China chart a course for closer military co-operation
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Russia and China chart a course for closer military co-operation

Russia’s defence minister signed a road map for greater military relations with China, citing US strategic bomber missions near both nations’ borders.