akıncı News

Pakistan Displays BARQ Missiles With Bayraktar TB2 UAV
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

Pakistan Displays BARQ Missiles With Bayraktar TB2 UAV

Pakistani Armed Forces released a photo of Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV with the indigenous BARQ laser-guided air-to-surface missile.

The Mysterious UAVs at PAF’s Photo
Unmanned Systems Weapon / Missile

The Mysterious UAVs at PAF’s Photo

PAF has officially conducted a ceremony to commission various UAVs into its operational fleet. It is noteworthy that there is no information about them.

PAF Unveils its inventory, including TB-2 and AKINCI UAVs
Air Unmanned Systems

PAF Unveils its inventory, including TB-2 and AKINCI UAVs

PAF unveiled its operational air platforms at the “Induction and Operationalisation Ceremony” held at an operational base of Pakistan Air Force.

Ethiopia’s AKINCI UCAV was Spotted
Unmanned Systems

Ethiopia’s AKINCI UCAV was Spotted

AKINCI UCAV, produced for Ethiopia, was seen in the 6th test flight video of Bayraktar TB3 UCAV, which Baykar Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar shared.

Turkish Export Reaches $ 514.7 Million in October

Turkish Export Reaches $ 514.7 Million in October

According to the Turkiye Export Assembly figures, the defence and aerospace industry exported $ 514.7 million in October 2023.

Kyrgistan Holds Exercises with Aksungur and Akıncı
Unmanned Systems Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Kyrgistan Holds Exercises with Aksungur and Akıncı

Kyrgistan held guided tactical-line exercises with the new "Akıncı" and "Aksungur" unmanned aerial vehicles.

Turkish AESA Radar is integrated into Akıncı UCAV
Unmanned Systems E/W

Turkish AESA Radar is integrated into Akıncı UCAV

ASELSAN's MURAD AESA Radar is integrated into AKINCI UCAV, it is counting down for first flight aboard.

Roketsan Exports the UAV-230 Missile for the First Time
Weapon / Missile

Roketsan Exports the UAV-230 Missile for the First Time

Roketsan exported the UAV-230 Air-Launched Supersonic Ballistic Missile for the first time to an unnamed buyer.

BAYRAKTAR AKINCI Overpassed 30 thousand Flight Hours
Unmanned Systems

BAYRAKTAR AKINCI Overpassed 30 thousand Flight Hours

Baykar company’s Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV, which signed eight export agreements, has completed 30 thousand flight hours in total.

ASELSAN Exports Tolun with Akıncı

ASELSAN Exports Tolun with Akıncı

ASELSAN has informed that it has signed an export contract valued at 35.580.000 USD for the use of an international client regarding TOLUN guidance munition.

Turkish- Saudi-Pakistani Tripartite Committee Discusses Defence Cooperation
Defence Politics Bilateral Relations Investment Unmanned Systems

Turkish- Saudi-Pakistani Tripartite Committee Discusses Defence Cooperation

Delegations from three countries discussed developments in the defence industry, technology transfer and localisation, and scientific research.

BAYKAR, ROKETSAN and ASELSAN to Export to Saudi Arabia
Bilateral Relations Investment Ammunition Sensors Unmanned Systems

BAYKAR, ROKETSAN and ASELSAN to Export to Saudi Arabia

Turkish BAYKAR, ROKETSAN and ASELSAN Saudi Arabia’s NCMS signed an agreement and two memorandums of understanding in order to export UAV and subcomponents.

Baykar Starts R&D Activities in Pakistan
Investment Unmanned Systems

Baykar Starts R&D Activities in Pakistan

Baykar will start operations in Pakistan to conduct R&D at the Pakistan National Aerospace Science and Technology Park.

 Saudi Arabia Will Pay More than 3 Billion Dollars for AKINCI
Unmanned Systems

Saudi Arabia Will Pay More than 3 Billion Dollars for AKINCI

President of Defence Industry Agency Professor Haluk Görgün announced that Saudi Arabia will pay more than 3 billion USD for AKINCI UCAV.