coast guard News

US Navy Focuses on MUM-T with MQ-9B SeaGuardian at IPB-23
Navy / Maritime Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems

US Navy Focuses on MUM-T with MQ-9B SeaGuardian at IPB-23

US Navy focus on Manned Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) at Integrated Battle Problem 2023 (IBP-23) to conduct Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercises.

Ares Delivered the First FPB to the Coast Guard
Navy / Maritime Homeland Security

Ares Delivered the First FPB to the Coast Guard

Ares Shipyard announced that the company delivered the first Fast Patrol Boat to the Turkish Ministry of Interior Affairs, the Coast Guard.

ARES's 35 FPB Completed the Tests
Navy / Maritime

ARES's 35 FPB Completed the Tests

ARES Shipyard's FPB 35 has completed the tests. The boats will be delivered to the Turkish Coast Guard and the General Directorate of Security.

Ares Begins the Serial Production of 35 FBP
Navy / Maritime

Ares Begins the Serial Production of 35 FBP

SSB announced that the serial production of FPB started. Ares Shipyard will produce 122 FPB for the Coast Guard Command and General Directorate of Security.

Ares' FPB Near Serial Production
Navy / Maritime Homeland Security

Ares' FPB Near Serial Production

The first Fast Patrol Boat of the "World's Largest Serial Shipbuilding Program" consisting of 122 vessels has been launched.