martin News

US Navy prefers longer-range targeting capacity
Weapon / Missile

US Navy prefers longer-range targeting capacity

US Navy cancels AGM-154 JSOW-ER and favours AGM-158B JASSM-ER.

Ukraine's Defence Expo under the shadow of Pandemic: Arms and Security
Land Navy / Maritime Air Investment

Ukraine's Defence Expo under the shadow of Pandemic: Arms and Security

The Arms and Security Expo and the International Aerospace Salon “Aviasvit – XXI will open their doors in Kyiv next Tuesday.

Köse:  First I class will have Roketsan’s VLS
Navy / Maritime Air Weapon / Missile

Köse: First I class will have Roketsan’s VLS

Alper Köse, the head of the Naval Platforms Department at SSB stated that Roketsan would provide the Vertical Launching System (VLS) for I-Class Frigates.

US Navy Tests Hypersonic Rocket Motor
Weapon / Missile

US Navy Tests Hypersonic Rocket Motor

The US Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) office tested on May 27th the first-stage solid rocket motor (SRM) in Promontory, Utah.

US Gets Closer to 500 km precision Strike with PrSM rocket
Weapon / Missile

US Gets Closer to 500 km precision Strike with PrSM rocket

Lockheed Martin announced that the developments of Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) tactical surface-to-surface weapon system are completed.

Denmark gets its F-35 fighter

Denmark gets its F-35 fighter

Forsvaretdk receives its first F-35A fighter. The aircraft will remain in the US for two more years and will be delivered at Skrydstrup.

USAF failed at First ARRW Attempt
Air Weapon / Missile

USAF failed at First ARRW Attempt

USAF stated that the first booster flight test (BTF-1) of the Air Force’s AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) failed on April 5th.