martin News

Boeing is Kicked out of Canada’s $19-Billion Worth Tender

Boeing is Kicked out of Canada’s $19-Billion Worth Tender

According to the Toronto Star, a Canadian daily, Boeing will no longer compete at Canada’s $19-billion tender.

Turkey may Acquire second-hand F-16 Block 10 from Denmark

Turkey may Acquire second-hand F-16 Block 10 from Denmark

According to Danish Radio, Danish Defence intends to sell 16 to 24 of its 43 F-16 fighter jets before the arrival of its complete force of F-35s in 2025.

TCG Istanbul to be equipped with HİSAR and ESSM Missiles
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

TCG Istanbul to be equipped with HİSAR and ESSM Missiles

The TCG Istanbul (F-515) Frigate will have a 16-cell National Vertical Launch System (MDAS), which Roketsan continues to develop.

Spain Denies Ordering F-35 Fighter Jets

Spain Denies Ordering F-35 Fighter Jets

Spain has put an end to rumours about buying the American F-35 stealth fighter by stating that all efforts were concentrated on the FCAS.

Spain Debates F-35A and F-35Bs
Navy / Maritime Air

Spain Debates F-35A and F-35Bs

According to the Jane’s, the Spanish Navy and Air Force are interested in the US F-35B fighter plane.

Lockheed Martin Reports Net sales of $16.0 billion at Third Quarter of 2021

Lockheed Martin Reports Net sales of $16.0 billion at Third Quarter of 2021

Lockheed Martin reported third-quarter 2021 net sales of $16.0 billion, compared to $16.5 billion in the third quarter of 2020.

Australia gets Sikorsky’s MH-60H Helicopters for $1 Billion
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Australia gets Sikorsky’s MH-60H Helicopters for $1 Billion

State Department approved a possible FMS to Australia of MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters and related equipment for an estimated $985 million.

Pentagon and LM to re-adjust F-35 Delivery Programme

Pentagon and LM to re-adjust F-35 Delivery Programme

The JPO and Lockheed Martin have agreed on an F-35 production rebaseline that ensures predictability and stability in the production process.

LM introduces the LMXT for the U.S. Air Force's KC-Y Program

LM introduces the LMXT for the U.S. Air Force's KC-Y Program

Lockheed Martin introduces the LMXT as America’s next strategic tanker. The company announced the tanker with “built-in America by Americans for Americans.” The tanker is offered in response to the US Air Force’s KC-Y Program.

US Navy Decommissions USS Independence (LCS 2) After 11 Years of Service
Navy / Maritime

US Navy Decommissions USS Independence (LCS 2) After 11 Years of Service

US Navy Decommissioned its test and training ship USS Independence (LCS 2) ship. After the decommissioning of Independence, 22 LCS remain in service to the fleet.

Two Turkish companies entered the list of Top 100 Defence

Two Turkish companies entered the list of Top 100 Defence

Two Turkish companies entered the “Defence News Top 100” list. The list is prepared based on data from a year ago.

F-35 Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours Globally

F-35 Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours Globally

The global F-35 fleet has achieved 400,000 flight hours. The F-35 availability rate increases while operational costs diminish.

Switzerland Prefers F-35 and Patriot

Switzerland Prefers F-35 and Patriot

Swiss defence ministry announced that the country would defend its skies with Lockheed Martin’s F-35A aircraft and Raytheon’s Patriot air defence system.

Lockheed Promotes F-16 in Ukraine

Lockheed Promotes F-16 in Ukraine

The Arms and Security Defence Expo begins today in Kyiv. The US Company Lockheed Martin has a booth for the first time ever. The company promotes F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft to Ukrainian Air Force (Повітряні Сили України).