France News

MdCN Cruise Missiles Perform Synchronised Strike
Weapon / Missile

MdCN Cruise Missiles Perform Synchronised Strike

Two MdCN land attack cruise missiles fired from a French Navy frigate and a submarine hit the same target synchronously.

Japan Joins Germany and France for Railgun Development
Weapon / Missile

Japan Joins Germany and France for Railgun Development

Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) of Japan has joined the French-German consortium to develop railguns.

French Aircraft Carrier Goes Under NATO Command
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

French Aircraft Carrier Goes Under NATO Command

France’s only aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle (R91), will come under NATO’s command for the first time.

Indonesia Buys two Scorpene Evolved Full LIB Submarines
Navy / Maritime

Indonesia Buys two Scorpene Evolved Full LIB Submarines

On March 28th, 2024, Indonesia chose Naval Group and PT PAL to purchase two Scorpène Evolved Full Lithium-Ion battery (LIB) submarines.

Senegal Elections: France to Leave Former Colony in Africa
Country Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Senegal Elections: France to Leave Former Colony in Africa

Anti-Colonialist candidate in Senegal, Faye, announced its victory, which is another call for France to leave the former colony country in Africa.

Brazil Launches Third Riachuelo Scorpène-Class Submarine
Navy / Maritime

Brazil Launches Third Riachuelo Scorpène-Class Submarine

Brazil announced that it launched the "Tonelero" (S-42), the third Scorpene submarine of the "Riachuelo" class.

French DGA Tests a New Infrared Optic for the Rafale F4.2
Air Sensors

French DGA Tests a New Infrared Optic for the Rafale F4.2

French Defence Procurement Agency announced that it had just declared the qualification of the Rafale F4.1.

EU: United for Europe, Divided about Defence
Investment Regional / Strategy

EU: United for Europe, Divided about Defence

The EU is divided into northern and southern countries regarding the proposal to issue a Eurobond for EU defence support.

France and Germany Sign MGCS Tank Development Agreement
Land Investment

France and Germany Sign MGCS Tank Development Agreement

France and Germany agreed to develop a planned next-generation tank known as the Main Ground Combat System (MGCS).

Naval Group Constructs the First SNLE 3G Submarine
Navy / Maritime

Naval Group Constructs the First SNLE 3G Submarine

Naval Group begins constructing the first third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile French submarine (SNLE 3G).

France Prioritises Multi-Role Capability for the Next MPA
Navy / Maritime Air E/W

France Prioritises Multi-Role Capability for the Next MPA

French Lieutenant Commander Maxence Combas stated that the future maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) needs to be a multi-role platform with high payload capacity.

French Guidance Kit Spotted on Ukrainian Fighter Jet

French Guidance Kit Spotted on Ukrainian Fighter Jet

A French AASM-250 guidance kit has been spotted onboard a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet, as French President Emmanuel Macron announced in January 2024.

The Netherlands Prefers Naval Group’s Barracuda Submarines
Navy / Maritime

The Netherlands Prefers Naval Group’s Barracuda Submarines

The Netherlands officially announced the Naval Group as the winner of the new submarine acquisition program for the Dutch Navy.

SIPRI: Turkiye is the 11th Biggest Arms Exporter

SIPRI: Turkiye is the 11th Biggest Arms Exporter

SIPRI announced the biggest arms exporter in 2023, and Turkiye is listed as the 11th biggest arms exporter.