Bilateral Relations News

French Reaction Caused Counter Reactions
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

French Reaction Caused Counter Reactions

French President Emmanuel Macron is furious about the cancelled Australian Submarine deal. His foreign minister calls the deal with the US “a betrayal”.

   Macron is also furious at neutral Switzerland over the F-35 deal.
Air Bilateral Relations

Macron is also furious at neutral Switzerland over the F-35 deal.

The trip to France by Federal President Guy Parmelin, which had been planned for six months, falls through the cracks. French President Emmanuel Macron does not want to meet with the Swiss President.

The “BRIGHT STAR - 2021” exercise is held in Egypt
Bilateral Relations

The “BRIGHT STAR - 2021” exercise is held in Egypt

Egypt and the U.S. organised the International Interdisciplinary Exercise “BRIGHT STAR - 2021”, which took place in Egypt from 2 to 17 Sep 2021.

Paris summoned US and Australian Ambassadors Over Submarine Deal
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Paris summoned US and Australian Ambassadors Over Submarine Deal

French ambassadors to the United States and Australia have been summoned in response to a new agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia under which Australia will receive nuclear-powered submarine technology from the US and the UK.

Joint Electronic Warfare Exercise from Turkey and Azerbaijan
E/W Bilateral Relations

Joint Electronic Warfare Exercise from Turkey and Azerbaijan

TURAZ Şahin 2021 Exercise "Distinguished Observer Day" was held by the Turkish and Azerbaijani Air Forces at the 3rd Main Jet Base Command in Konya.

Greece sent its Patriot System to Protect Saudi Energy Facilities
Bilateral Relations

Greece sent its Patriot System to Protect Saudi Energy Facilities

HAL sent its Patriot system to Saudi Arabia on September 14th. Greek Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos attended the ceremony at the Tanagra Air Base.

The US Leaves the Middle East while Russia fills the Vacuum
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Expo and Air Show

The US Leaves the Middle East while Russia fills the Vacuum

At the International Military-Technical Forum (ARMY 2021), the deputy defence ministers of Russia and Saudi Arabia signed a new agreement on military

Pakistan Favours Turkey’s Role in Kabul Airport
Bilateral Relations

Pakistan Favours Turkey’s Role in Kabul Airport

Pakistan’s ambassador to Ankara has stated that Islamabad favours any contribution to the stability of Afghanistan.

Qatari F-15QA Ababil is Waiting to Soar
Air Bilateral Relations

Qatari F-15QA Ababil is Waiting to Soar

Boeing has officially unveiled its new F-15QA ‘Ababil’ fighter jet for the Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF), which will be delivered later this year.

Turkey to Withdraw from Kabul Airport
Air Country Bilateral Relations

Turkey to Withdraw from Kabul Airport

The Turkish Defence Ministry announced on Wednesday that it had begun withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, abandoning plans to assist in the security of Kabul’s Khamid Khazai International Airport, which would have been considered a strategic asset if the Taliban had not captured the city recently. Turkey wished to remain in Kabul after the United States troop withdrawal is completed on Tuesday. The Taliban, on the other hand, has requested that Turkey leave by August 31st.

Greece to issue  Visas for Libyans Soon
Bilateral Relations

Greece to issue Visas for Libyans Soon

The Greek Chargé d'Affaires stated that his country's embassy in Libya would soon begin issuing visas to Libyan nationals seeking entry into the country.

Pakistan to Contribute to Turkish UAVs
Air Bilateral Relations Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show

Pakistan to Contribute to Turkish UAVs

The Turkish Aerospace and Pakistan’s National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) signed the “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” contract.

Pakistan's first PN Milgem Corvette F-280 Babur Launched
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Pakistan's first PN Milgem Corvette F-280 Babur Launched

The first of four Milgem ADA Class corvettes built by the ASFAT company for the Pakistani Navy launched on August 15, 2021.

Turkish soldiers are not on a military mission in Afghanistan
Bilateral Relations Homeland Security

Turkish soldiers are not on a military mission in Afghanistan

Afghan Ambassador explains Turkish soldiers mission in International Hamid Karzai Airport.