export News

HAVELSAN Exported ADVENT to Ukraine and Indonesia
E/W Country Sensors

HAVELSAN Exported ADVENT to Ukraine and Indonesia

HAVELSAN announced that the ADVENT Combat Management System (SYS) has been exported to Ukraine and Indonesia.

Defence Industry completed 2021 with an export record: $3.2 billion

Defence Industry completed 2021 with an export record: $3.2 billion

The export volume of the Turkish Defence and Aerospace Industry sector in 2021 has been determined. The sector realized a record export value of 3.2 billion USD in 2021. President of Defence Industries Professor İsmail Demir shared this situation on his social media accounts.

ASELSAN Inks an Export Deal

ASELSAN Inks an Export Deal

ASELSAN has announced at Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) and its social media accounts that an international sale contract of $ 11.95 M has been signed.

SSI Organizes Export Strategy Conference

SSI Organizes Export Strategy Conference

Turkish Defence and Aerospace Industry Association (SSI) organised the "Global Strategies for the Defence and Aviation Industry Conference'21" in Antalya to address the strategies to increase export. Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, President of Defense Industry Professor İsmail Demir, President of Turkish Exporters Assembly İsmail Gülle, President SSI Naki Polat attended the conference.

TIM Reported 3 billion Export Volume is Near

TIM Reported 3 billion Export Volume is Near

Turkish Export Assembly (TIM) announced defence and aerospace industry export volume for last 11 months in 2021. The report states that the Turkish defence and aerospace industry renewed its export record targeting to pass 3 billion dollars.

ASELSAN has signed an export deal of € 67.7 million

ASELSAN has signed an export deal of € 67.7 million

ASELSAN has agreed to deliver defence equipment to an unidentified international client under the terms of an export deal.

Bayraktar TB2 UCAV is Exported to 13 Countries
Unmanned Systems

Bayraktar TB2 UCAV is Exported to 13 Countries

Baykar company announced on social media that Bayraktar TB2 UCAV had been exported to 13 counties.

SSI marks its tenth anniversary with the slogan “We Are Strong Together”

SSI marks its tenth anniversary with the slogan “We Are Strong Together”

The Turkish Defence and Aerospace Industry Exporters’ Association (SSI) celebrates its tenth year of foundation. Naki Polat, the SSI Chairman of the Board, released a message to commemorate the occasion. He emphasised SSI’s growth during the last ten years:

Baykar Earned Dollar

Baykar Earned Dollar

Baykar Technical Manager (CTO) Selçuk Bayraktar stated that the share of exports in company revenues consists 80 percent of total income.

Turkish Defence and Aviation Industry exported $ 284 million

Turkish Defence and Aviation Industry exported $ 284 million

According to Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) data, the Turkish defence and aerospace sector exported 284 million 721 thousand dollars in August 2021.

Defence and Aerospace Industry Exports increase in July 2021

Defence and Aerospace Industry Exports increase in July 2021

Turkish Defence and Aerospace Industry exports in July 2021 amounted to 231 million 166 thousand USD. Turkish Exporters Assembly announced the export figures of Turkish Defence and aerospace.

Turkish Defence Export at Rising
Investment Country

Turkish Defence Export at Rising

TIM published the export data of Turkey for June 2021. The Defence sector exported a total of $ 221 million 791 thousand in June.

Turkey and Brazil to hold Virtual Trade Meeting
Investment Bilateral Relations

Turkey and Brazil to hold Virtual Trade Meeting

The Defence and Aerospace Industry Exporters' Association (SSI) will hold a Virtual Trade Delegation meeting with Brazil on April 19-23, 2021.

The Shift and Rise in Turkish Defence Export
Bilateral Relations

The Shift and Rise in Turkish Defence Export

Turkish Exporters Assembly (Türkiye İhracatçılar MEclisi /TİM) declared Turkish defence exports for February 21. It can be said that the figures show new changes and changes in defence exports. Some traditional partners show less interest while newcomers appear. Overall figures indicate the rise in trade volume.