ASELSAN’s Radars and Jammers Used by Argentine

ASELSAN’s Radars and Jammers Used by Argentine

Argentinian Armed Forces personnel use ACAR-K radars and İHASAVAR man-portable C-UAS jammers developed by ASELSAN. The official X account of the Argentinian Armed Forces shared the images. The systems are in service with the 601st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group of the Argentinian Army. ACAR-K Surveillance Radar is designed to detect, track, and classify targets moving on the ground day and night in all weather conditions. The Ku-band radar can automatically classify targets and provide adjustments for artillery units. The radar's instrumented range is 15 km or 40 km, depending on configuration. İHASAVAR (Turkish for Anti-UAV) man-portable jammer consists of a backpack holding the electronics, power unit, and handheld RF jammer. The system is actively used in counter-terrorism operations and security of important events/areas. GNSS, data, and command links used on micro to small UAVs can be attacked separately or simultaneously with the jammer.