KEMANKEŞ 2 Mini Cruise Missile Begins Testing

KEMANKEŞ 2 Mini Cruise Missile Begins Testing

Baykar has started the new member of its jet-powered KEMANKEŞ line of munition, AI-Supported KEMANKEŞ 2, with a launch from speeding pickup. The test was conducted nearly a year after the firing test of KEMANKEŞ from Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV. Unlike the previous variant, KEMANKEŞ 2 was launched using a pickup speed to provide a first speed and lift.

KEMANKEŞ 2 appears to be significantly larger than KEMANKEŞ, which weighed 30 kg with a capacity for six-kilogram warheads. While the video released by Baykar doesn’t show the entire munition, parts like the wing, engine, and tail fins closely resemble the KaGeM V3 jointly developed with Pakistan. However, TurDef has learned that the two munitions aren’t the same. The new munition is stated to have a range exceeding 200 km and an endurance of one hour. The guidance package consists of an electro-optical system and communication with the ground control system. Baykar stated that both navigation and optic guidance will benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is understood that the larger KEMANKEŞ 2 might be the ground-based member of the KEMANKEŞ family for hitting more hardened targets. While the test was done with a speeding pickup, the finalised version might be launched from catapults or multi-slot launchers using rocket-assisted take-off (RATO).