Russia News

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Air Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

The Russian Black Sea Fleet carried out a warning fire towards the Royal Navy HMS Defender.

Former Torpedoes: Russia Increases the Accuracy and Reduces the Cost
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Sensors

Former Torpedoes: Russia Increases the Accuracy and Reduces the Cost

According to Russian state-affiliated news agency Tass, Russia tests a new torpedo homing system. Electronic equipment can be used to set torpedoes of various calibre to strike underwater and surface targets.

US New Strategic Partner: Ukraine
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

US New Strategic Partner: Ukraine

The Biden government declares relations with Ukraine as strategic partners.

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars
Air E/W Regional / Strategy Sensors

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars

Italian Air Force F-35A fighter jets flew to Estonia to start their service as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission to “Secure the Skies”.

Russia Orders Troops Back After Massive Drills in Crimea
Regional / Strategy

Russia Orders Troops Back After Massive Drills in Crimea

According to The Associated Press, Russia’s defence minister ordered troops back to their permanent bases following massive drills in Crimea.

British warships to sail for the Black Sea in May
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

British warships to sail for the Black Sea in May

According to the Sunday Times, British warships will sail for the Black Sea in May, citing senior naval sources.

   Biden Administration Declares National Emergency Over Russia
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Biden Administration Declares National Emergency Over Russia

US President Joe Biden has declared a national emergency over the threat to the national security posed by Russia.

Ukraine’s President Zelenskiy Visits Donbas
Bilateral Relations

Ukraine’s President Zelenskiy Visits Donbas

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said he was visiting eastern Ukraine on Thursday, following a rise in tension with Russia over a long-running conflict.

Zelenski tags NATO to stop Russia
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Zelenski tags NATO to stop Russia

Zelenski urges NATO to speed up Ukraine's accession to the pact.

Russia to develop new-generation ICBM
Weapon / Missile

Russia to develop new-generation ICBM

According to TASS, Russia will begin its new-generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Kedr, 2023-2024.

Armenia Used it, Russia hid: The Iskander Missile
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Armenia Used it, Russia hid: The Iskander Missile

Azerbaijan-based news site documented that Armenia used the 9K720 Iskander system twice during the Karabakh War..

Russia’s Iron Fist at Arctic Circle
Land Navy / Maritime Air Regional / Strategy

Russia’s Iron Fist at Arctic Circle

Russia has shown its interest in the Northern Pole and demonstrated its power by preparing the “Umka-2021” Arctic expedition.

Spanish Frigate in the Black Sea for NATO Mission
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

Spanish Frigate in the Black Sea for NATO Mission

The 'Méndez Núñez', the command ship of the NATO Permanent Maritime Group number 2 (SNMG-2), entered the Black Sea with maritime surveillance missions.

Russia Wants to sell Su-35 and Su-57 Fighter Jets to Turkey
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Modernisation

Russia Wants to sell Su-35 and Su-57 Fighter Jets to Turkey

Russia is ready to negotiate the deliveries of fifth-generation fighters SU-57 and generation 4++ fighters SU-35 with Turkey.