navy News

Second Meltem-3 at Blue Homeland
Navy / Maritime Air Modernisation

Second Meltem-3 at Blue Homeland

The second P-72 Maritime Patrol Aircraft was delivered to the naval forces within the scope of the P-72 MELTEM-3 Project.

HAVELSAN Delivers DBDS to Navy
Navy / Maritime E/W

HAVELSAN Delivers DBDS to Navy

HAVELSAN announced from its social media accounts that the last batch of Submarıne Data Dıstrıbutıon System (Denizaltı Bilgi Dağıtım Sistemi/ (DBDS) is delivered to the Naval Forces Command. The system will be integrated into the submarine under the New Type Submarine Project.

Indian Navy Gets third Scorpene-Class Submarine
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

Indian Navy Gets third Scorpene-Class Submarine

The Kalvari-class diesel-electric submarine INS Karanj was commissioned into the Indian Navy in Mumbai on Wednesday.

MAM-L Hits from a Farther distance
Navy / Maritime Ammunition Unmanned Systems

MAM-L Hits from a Farther distance

Turkish Defence Ministry announced the micro smart munition MAM-L. The ministry stated that MAM-L is used at the Blue Homeland 2021 Military Exercise.

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

Defence Minister Hulusi Akar attended the Blue Homeland 2021 Exercise at the Aegean Sea. Akar spoke about developing relations with Egypt and warned Greece.

Singapore’s Navy Tests Unmanned Vessels
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Singapore’s Navy Tests Unmanned Vessels

Singapore Navy (RSN) tests unmanned surface vessels with an AI-driven navigation algorithm that could be used for maritime security operations.

Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began
Land Navy / Maritime Air Unmanned Systems

Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began

Turkish Navy’s planned drill “Blue Homeland 2021” have started. The drill will be executed on the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea simultaneously.

Meltem at Turkish Maritime
Navy / Maritime Air Modernisation

Meltem at Turkish Maritime

Turkish Ministry of Defence announced that the Turkish Maritime Patrol Aircraft with tail number TCB 752 successfully performed the acceptance test flight.

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Defence Politics Modernisation

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2

State Department approved a possible FMS to Egypt of Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) Block 2 Tactical Missiles for an estimated cost of $197 million.

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea

Turkish Defence Ministry announced from its official internet site that Turkish naval forces and US navy components conducted a passing exercise in the Black Sea.

Deadly Indigenous Fish to Turkish Submarines
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Deadly Indigenous Fish to Turkish Submarines

Turkey has test-launched an indigenous heavy torpedo, Akya.

Two US Destroyers in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Two US Destroyers in the Black Sea

US Navy sent two destroyers and a replenishment oiler to the Black Sea just days after President Biden confronted Vladimir Putin about Russian policy. For the first time in three years, the US has sent three ships into the Black Sea.

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet
Navy / Maritime Country Regional / Strategy

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet

Chief of the Russian Navy General Staff Alexander Vitko said that two more Project 22160 ships will be built for the Black Sea Fleet.