navy News

Electromagnetic Rail Gun: the U.S. Gives Up, Turkey is Hopeful
Weapon / Missile Investment

Electromagnetic Rail Gun: the U.S. Gives Up, Turkey is Hopeful

U.S. Navy preferred the budget cut on the Electromagnetic Rail Gun project even though The system sent projectiles at supersonic speed.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March
Navy / Maritime

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

TCG Anadolu is under construction. The pandemic caused a major delay in construction, but the Turkish industry is working hard to deliver it early.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme
Navy / Maritime Sensors

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

Turkish Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) destroyer TF-2000 is close to starting the programme but is waiting for the correct formula.

US Navy Ends Rail Gun Programme
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

US Navy Ends Rail Gun Programme

The US Navy has ended the railgun project that fires projectiles at up to seven matches using electricity. The Navy’s plans to build an electromagnetic railgun.

Turkish Electronic Intelligence Ship, Ufuk to Enter the Navy’s Inventory
Navy / Maritime E/W

Turkish Electronic Intelligence Ship, Ufuk to Enter the Navy’s Inventory

The Sea Acceptance Tests (SAT) of the Test and Training Ship TCG Ufuk (A-591) are completed. The ship can be delivered to the Turkish navy anytime soon.

US Navy prefers longer-range targeting capacity
Weapon / Missile

US Navy prefers longer-range targeting capacity

US Navy cancels AGM-154 JSOW-ER and favours AGM-158B JASSM-ER.

Unmanned Aerial Tanker Refuels F/A-18 Hornet

Unmanned Aerial Tanker Refuels F/A-18 Hornet

Boeing’s unmanned aerial tanker MQ-25 T1 refuelled a Navy F/A-18 during a flight on June 4, 2021, at MidAmerica Airport in Illinois. Boeing’s MQ-25 Stingray is a next-generation unmanned aerial refuelling aircraft developed for the US Navy’s Carrier-Based Aerial-Refueling System (CBARS) programme.

3rd Meltem-3 delivered to Navy
Navy / Maritime Air

3rd Meltem-3 delivered to Navy

The Turkish Navy received the third Leonardo ATR-72 (P-72) anti-submarine warfare (ASW) patrol aircraft from TUSAŞ as part of the Meltem-3 Project.

Joint Naval Exercise from Tunisia and Greece
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Joint Naval Exercise from Tunisia and Greece

Tunisian Defence Ministry announced that Tunisia and Greece had launched joint military exercises this week in the Mediterranean.

Royal Navy Receives New Autonomous Vessel
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Royal Navy Receives New Autonomous Vessel

The Royal Navy received a new autonomous vessel NavyX into its service. The project is named Madfox (Maritime Demonstrator For Operational eXperimentation).

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Alper Köse, Head of the Naval Platforms Department at the SSB, provided information about the LHD programme.

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship
Navy / Maritime Sensors

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship

According to India based The Economic Times, India has commissioned its secretive nuclear missile tracking vessel.

Qatar Shows Interest into Ulaq
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Qatar Shows Interest into Ulaq

Turkish Ares Shipyard attends at MilipolQatar exhibition in Doha.

Neptune Era at Ukrainian Navy
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Neptune Era at Ukrainian Navy

The prototypes of the Ukrainian RK-360MTs Neptune mobile anti-ship cruise missile system have been handed over to the Naval Forces of Ukraine.