Defence Politics News

Royal Air Force to Become a Digital Power
Air Defence Politics

Royal Air Force to Become a Digital Power

United Kingdom Defence Ministry released the 2022 Equipment Plan on November 29, 2022, giving hints about the aircraft that will retire.

US State Department Spokesperson: Our Co-operation in the Security Realm is of Paramount Importance to Us
Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

US State Department Spokesperson: Our Co-operation in the Security Realm is of Paramount Importance to Us

Ned Price, the State Department Spokesperson, answered two questions concerning Turkiye’s F-16 aircraft procurement requests and about removing some restrictions added to the 2023 National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA).

U.S. lifts restrictions preventing sales of F-16s to Turkiye
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

U.S. lifts restrictions preventing sales of F-16s to Turkiye

The House and Senate Armed Services Committees released the NDAA, to add $45 billion to the Biden administration’s initial budget request.

Dassault Denies Agreement on FCAS
Air Defence Politics

Dassault Denies Agreement on FCAS

On Friday, the French group, Dassault Aviation, denied an agreement with Airbus to develop on next phase of industrial development for the future FCAS project, as French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had announced a little earlier in Berlin.

Japan Joins Britain and Italy in making 5th Gen Aircraft
Air Defence Politics

Japan Joins Britain and Italy in making 5th Gen Aircraft

Japan has entered the final stages of talks with the United Kingdom and Italy to jointly develop and build a next-generation fighter jet, marking a turning point as Japan looks beyond the US for defence cooperation.

New Agreement for FCAS
Air Defence Politics

New Agreement for FCAS

German Defence Minister stated that Germany, France and Spain had reached a political agreement further to develop the Future Combat Air System (FCAS).

 Italy to Give the Green Light to SAMP/T
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Italy to Give the Green Light to SAMP/T

Meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Indonesia on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gave the green light for the SAMP/H Air Defence System.

The End of Neither Deny nor Confirm Policy
Weapon / Missile Defence Politics

The End of Neither Deny nor Confirm Policy

Israel continued to use the "Neither Deny nor Confirm" Policy for decades. But this has come to an end.

Drone Sanctions from EU to Iran
Defence Politics Unmanned Systems

Drone Sanctions from EU to Iran

Unmanned aerial systems play an important role in battles in Ukraine. Invaders and defenders constantly use different kinds of drones for reconnaissance, surveillance and also attack purposes.

15 Countries Agree to Build a European Sky Shield System
Weapon / Missile Defence Politics

15 Countries Agree to Build a European Sky Shield System

A total of 15 European countries, consisting of 14 NATO countries plus Finland, agreed to build a joint air and missile defence system called the European Sky Shield Initiative. This joint sky shield system will protect all European countries belonging to the group from enemy missile attacks.

Massive Artillery Rocket Power for Poland
Ammunition Weapon / Missile Defence Politics

Massive Artillery Rocket Power for Poland

Poland, increasing defence ties with the Republic of Korea (ROK), continues to further defence investments.

Ireland to Acquire New Search Radars for its Recently Formed Defence Forces
Defence Politics Sensors

Ireland to Acquire New Search Radars for its Recently Formed Defence Forces

The Irish Defence Forces will get at least three new primary search radars after the defence budget has been allocated for such a purchase.

 Ukraine Officially Applies for NATO membership
Defence Politics

Ukraine Officially Applies for NATO membership

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that his country has decided to apply immediately for NATO membership following the National Security and Defence Council meeting.

Kazakhstan to Suspend Export of Military Products for a Year
Defence Politics

Kazakhstan to Suspend Export of Military Products for a Year

Kazakh Prime minister Alikhan Ashanuly Smaiylov Government decided to suspend the export of weapons, military equipment and products until August 2023.