arleigh burge-class News

Germany’s F127 AAW Frigates May Be Fitted With AEGIS
Navy / Maritime E/W Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Sensors

Germany’s F127 AAW Frigates May Be Fitted With AEGIS

The U.S. has taken steps to export the AEGIS combat system for F127 AAW frigates to succeed Sachsen-class frigates.

U.S. Aircraft Carriers Conduct Exercise With JMSDF
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Navy / Maritime

U.S. Aircraft Carriers Conduct Exercise With JMSDF

Aircraft Carrier strike groups of the U.S. Navy Conducted exercises with the Japanese Navy’s Hyuga-class helicopter destroyer JS Ise.

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea

Turkish Defence Ministry announced from its official internet site that Turkish naval forces and US navy components conducted a passing exercise in the Black Sea.