Doruk News

Israel Considers 20 mm Gatling Guns for C-UAS
Unmanned Systems

Israel Considers 20 mm Gatling Guns for C-UAS

Israel is reportedly examining the usage of the M61 Vulcan 20x102 mm Gatling gun for countering kamikaze UAVs.

ASELSAN Delivers DORUK-2 E/O to the Turkish Armed Forces

ASELSAN Delivers DORUK-2 E/O to the Turkish Armed Forces

ASELSAN delivered DORUK-2 Electro-Optical Sensor Systems to the Turkish Armed Forces for the first time.

TAWAZUN became the sponsor of SEDEC
Expo and Air Show

TAWAZUN became the sponsor of SEDEC

SEDEC CEO Dr Murat Doruk announced that the UAE firm Tawazun will attend the Conference Sponsor of SEDEC 2022.