RMN News

Malaysia reduced its order for Maharaja Lela-class Littoral Combat Ships to five
Navy / Maritime

Malaysia reduced its order for Maharaja Lela-class Littoral Combat Ships to five

The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has confirmed receiving only five Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) instead of the six ordered initially. The new head of the RMN, Vice Admiral Abdul Rahman Ayob, has confirmed to the Malaysian press that the reductions were made as part of efforts to resume the stalled project.

Kementah Cancels Five Contracts

Kementah Cancels Five Contracts

Malaysian Defence Ministry (Kementah) today announced the cancellation of five supply, services and infrastructure contracts. It did not name the projects, costs, beneficiaries, or reason for the cancellation. In a press release, the ministry said it took serious notice of the statement made by Prime Minister DS Anwar Ibrahim on expenditure leakages on January 17 2022.