taiwan News

Kazakhstan Supports China on Taiwan Issue
Bilateral Relations

Kazakhstan Supports China on Taiwan Issue

Kazakhstan supports the “one China” principle that China pursues. Intelligence reports suggest that China may launch an attack on Taiwan in March.

Japan to Produce Long-Range Attack Cruise Missiles
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Japan to Produce Long-Range Attack Cruise Missiles

Japanese daily Yomiuri Shimbun says the Japan is considering having over 1,000 of its long-range cruise missiles under development.

China to test DF-17 hypersonic missile in a military exercise near Taiwan
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

China to test DF-17 hypersonic missile in a military exercise near Taiwan

China will test the DF-17 medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile in a large-scale military exercise near Taiwan dubbed “Operation Reunification”.

China deploys DF-17 anti-ship hypersonic ballistic missile launch vehicle
Weapon / Missile

China deploys DF-17 anti-ship hypersonic ballistic missile launch vehicle

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has deployed the world's first hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missile launch vehicle, the Dongfeng DF-17.

As the Tension Rises with Taiwan, PLA Sends YU-20 combat training

As the Tension Rises with Taiwan, PLA Sends YU-20 combat training

The YU-20, China's next-generation aerial tanker, has begun combat readiness training, to increase Air Force's long-range operational capabilities.

Taiwan Claims Chinese Incursion with 16 Aircraft
Bilateral Relations

Taiwan Claims Chinese Incursion with 16 Aircraft

Taiwan's Ministry of Defence announced on Sunday that 16 Chinese fighter planes had entered the country's Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) the day before.

Tension Arises on Taiwan
Regional / Strategy

Tension Arises on Taiwan

China accused the United States on Wednesday of threatening the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.