type 45 News

Steller Systems Reveals Multi-Role Support Ship Concept
Navy / Maritime

Steller Systems Reveals Multi-Role Support Ship Concept

Steller Systems has unveiled its Fearless-class design to answer the U.K.’s requirements for a Multi-Role Support Ship (MRSS).

The UK Declares the Future of the New Type 83 Destroyer
Navy / Maritime

The UK Declares the Future of the New Type 83 Destroyer

UK Government published a document about the future Type 83 program of the Royal Navy with lessons learned from Ukraine.

Royal Navy Solves Air Defence Destroyers' Engine Problems
Land Engine and Transmission

Royal Navy Solves Air Defence Destroyers' Engine Problems

Royal Navy announced that HMS Dauntless has undergone trials, and its engine problems have been solved with the Power Improvement Project (PIP).

Royal Navy’s Type 45 Air Defence Destroyer Faces £189 Million Worth PIP
Navy / Maritime Engine and Transmission

Royal Navy’s Type 45 Air Defence Destroyer Faces £189 Million Worth PIP

The British MoD has confirmed that all Type 45 Air Defence Destroyers will have upgraded their power systems by the mid-2020s on regenerating energy systems.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme
Navy / Maritime Sensors

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

Turkish Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) destroyer TF-2000 is close to starting the programme but is waiting for the correct formula.

HMS Defender Visits Istanbul
Navy / Maritime Investment Bilateral Relations Engine and Transmission

HMS Defender Visits Istanbul

(Photo Courtesy of Bosphorus Naval News) Royal Navy’s Daring-class air-defence destroyer HMS Defender (D36) visits Istanbul to host UK Industry Day on board.

HMS Dragon Testfires its Sea Viper
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Sensors

HMS Dragon Testfires its Sea Viper

The Royal Navy’s Type 45 air-defence destroyer HMS Dragon tested its Sea Viper system in Scotland, Royal Navy announced on 4 June.

British warships to sail for the Black Sea in May
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

British warships to sail for the Black Sea in May

According to the Sunday Times, British warships will sail for the Black Sea in May, citing senior naval sources.